I'm sure this is too fine a point for most of the users on this site to understand, but I'm bored so I'm posting a comment anyway.
The rice farmers did not beat America in Vietnam; we beat ourselves by letting the politicians run the war instead of the generals. The Vietcong did what they had to do and went where they had to go while the Americans were prohibited from chasing them into Cambodia and other places and were severely restricted in what they could do in the places they were allowed to go. The Vietnam war was pure American politics.
Oh and not for nothing but France started it.
Pfffft, you didn't even get into ww2 until 1941. You were like a fat kid bat joins the soccer game halfway through and thinks he's so awesome because he's not as tired and everyones who has been qorking their asses off the whole time.
Sure we were "late" getting into the war. We were late to WWI too if you want to look at it that way. Of course England was pretty close to mopping up by then in both wars right? Oh wait. Y'all were getting your asses spanked and France was in the fetal position in the corner afraid their cheese was going to invade them next! Europe was about to fall when we stepped in both times. You're welcome you ungrateful bastards.
I'm Canadian. I'm not grateful that your government let the rest of the world burn while you sat on your asses. I'm grateful for the soliders that went over; they're the heroes. So fuck off.
And maybe if pineapples had nipples every milkshake would taste like pinacolada. We can play the maybe game all we want. I doubt anyone in this conversation fought in WW2, and it’s unlikely but possible any of you fought in Vietnam let alone were even alive. Did America fight and win WW2 singlehandedly? Hell no. But regardless Americans sacrificed and fought and died along with soldiers from around the globe in part to liberate Europe and many other places from the Nazis and other forces. Allied troops were fighting just as hard regardless of where they were dreaming of when they were wishing they could be at home. People in Eastern Europe, India, Africa, all over who didn’t belong to the major players that like to fluff their feathers and fight over who’s great grandpa had the biggest dick were too- and given American involvement in the war- when you disrespect America you disrespect them too, because of you think America did shit and had it easy what do you think of countries who...
... didn’t have the armies and ability to fight massive campaigns across all theaters of the war but instead who fought local conflicts or resisted as able? One of these guests wants to say they are maki g it about the troops. Then make it about the troops and not some political agenda- don’t try and sell short ANYONE’s contribution to allied victory. Combat is not a fun place to be, and WW2 perhaps one of the least of all. As for Vietnam- it was a shit show. Mismanaged and all sorts of corruption and politicking and proxy aggressions. Everyone lost Vietnam. It was a horrible suffering for all people, perhaps most of all the Vietnamese who had fought for independence against foreign powers for decades and suffered the consequences. It’s best to remember that dick measuring is what walked us into these wars to begin with.
"You ungrateful bastards" by saying that you're shitting on every other troop, every resistance fighter, every logistics personnel, every intelligence officer and anyone else who contributed to winning the war. America helped a lot when you decided to actually do so, but you didn't exactly win the war for us. It was a joint effort that relied on everyone to win. It's people like you, the "you're welcome" types, that make me not want to thank America. You're giving the opposite effect by being that stuck up, ironically.
The rice farmers did not beat America in Vietnam; we beat ourselves by letting the politicians run the war instead of the generals. The Vietcong did what they had to do and went where they had to go while the Americans were prohibited from chasing them into Cambodia and other places and were severely restricted in what they could do in the places they were allowed to go. The Vietnam war was pure American politics.
Oh and not for nothing but France started it.