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· 6 years ago
Fun tidbit, 3 of my sister's kids were conceived while using the pill and condoms. I have a total of 3 cousins, each different mom's, conceived after either the mom's tubes were tied or in one case she had a partial hysterectomy. My mom had to undergo radiation treatment for her thyroid and was told she wouldn't be able to get pregnant because it would sterilize her for at least 15 years (she was already 37 with a 14 year old, she had already assumed her child bearing days were over) 6 months later she found out she was pregnant with me. So yes, babies can be total surprises, and in some cases, grounds for malpractice suits.
· 6 years ago
Statistically, a woman on the pill her whole life has a 70% chance of having at least one pregnancy. I heard that on a talk show so no source, but I hear a lot about women who take the pill regularly and still get pregnant so I believe it. Even sterilized women still have a chance of getting pregnant (1 in 200). So alas there's no sure fire method.
· 6 years ago
I fucking hate these statements. There are other forms of birth control and sometimes they fail! Yes, sometimes people are stupid but saying no pregnancy happens by accident is just stupid.