Apex is better than fortnite
6 years ago by jizzinmypants · 256 Likes · 11 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
Wow! This is useless!
· 6 years ago
Perfectly fine if you don't care, it's great! But if you look around you, maybe *other* people that are not you, are happy to find a character like them
· 6 years ago
Literally a game about killing your opponents in a hunger game style arena. Who cares if you identify with them, if you want that go play the sims or something that you can customize a character.
· 6 years ago
Why do they need backstories at all then? Games like Tekken or Street fighter or mortal combat are just two characters beating each other up- yet they still craft elaborate back stories to explain why they are fighting, give characters rivalries, spouses, kids, hobbies, etc. and guess what? If you don’t care- you dont have to know. After 20 years or whatever it’s been I still don’t know what Charlie’s back story is but I know most of the other characters. I don’t remember or know if I ever knew what the story behind X-men vs Streetfighter was and... I don’t care. So you don’t have to care, but they almost always give stupid one dimensional games back stories, and there’s no reason that a person should be told “if you want to see a character you relate to you’ll have to build it yourself..” Video game heroes come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and motivations. People seldom use this argument when discussing “straight” “cis” characters. Only when it’s anything else do people speak on it.
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· 6 years ago
Hi Guest. I agree. Pick the character that you think looks the coolest, or best equipped. With a back story, homophobes will pick the character just to kill it for entertainment .
· 6 years ago
Hey popsy. Good to see you again. Overall I think that’s life. We could say the same thing about including black or Muslim or in this climate- Mexican characters. Overall I tend to go for characters that look cool, or who I like playing as- I may or may not learn their back story- but it’s largely irrelevant. I’ve never though while playing a game: “Oh- that guy killed my characters best friend- I have a personal grudge against him...” funny enough- lots of games have characters like Nazis or facists or supremicists as characters, playable characters, or even main leads. We don’t tend to see quite the same controversy “what does it matter if he’s a Nazi- Wolfenstein is a shooter- kill the things on the other team trying to kill you...” it wouldn’t change the actual game at all to drop or change that part entirely- but to many t would change the experience and their enjoyment
· 6 years ago
I do think that it's cool that they are adding diversity to their characters and I don't mean that I what them removed. I was just saying that when I play games I play the character that I find will most likely help me win the game. I wouldn't pick a character that Im bad at just because I relate to them. Also sorry if I came across as homophobic.
· 6 years ago
I don't mind them having back stories or the fact that they're LGBTQ. For example, I love tf2, buncha guys shooting each other, but the characters and their stories makes it better. I don't know how they announced this, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in a "oh and btw theyre LGBTQ". That's usually how it is with publishers lile EA. They tell instead of show in order to look forward thinking and accepting. Like bitch, make a game where everyone is gay and trans, I don't care. But don't sell it to me and act like that's reason enough to buy it. Make a good game, gameplay that feels good and either integrate the characters personalities in the story and interactions. Make them seem natural and not forced. If there's no story gameplay wise, make it through interactions and comments. Or make short videos on character backstory that you publish (like tf2). But honestly at this point, going out and saying stuff like "we have LGBTQ" just because is ridiculous.
· 6 years ago
Everything I’ve seem suggests that they didn’t really announce it. They posted character bios and made little videos. The character with the gender nuetral pronouns for instance- their video doesn’t mention it at all. It doesn’t say anything about their preferred pronouns or their sexual or personal identity. It talks about the character as a skilled and mysterious person and their abilities. The whole time however the narrator and character voice quotes use pronouns like: “they,” never saying “he” “she” etc. So from what I can tell EA didn’t make some big deal about it- but as soon as media and gamers found out they are the ones who blew it up and made it the major talking point of the game.
· 6 years ago
Wel then it's not big deal. However I was a bit sceptical after battlefield v and that fiasco
· 6 years ago
It’s a tough thing for sure. Many want representation or are accepting of it- but most agree they dont want to be beaten over the head with grand displays or “tokens” designed to fill a quota or generate buzz through controversy. While the nature of most for profit businesses is to basically be as unsubtle as possible at pointingto themselves and saying “look what I did look look look!” so we can’t necessarily expect the discretion or quiet dignity we might otherwise- there are ways in which one can ensure the world sees their progressive works without making that the focus. Metroid, Gears of war, Resident Evil- these are some examples of games with strong female leads or central characters which do not in game or in advertising try to sell the game off of that principal but off of the Games core.