Hahaha, had this happen to 3 of my teachers while growing up. Didnt feel bad then, dont feel bad now. They made our lives miserable.. who thought up the idea of homework?
Sure am. It was always the sad, unhappy, sadistic teachers who had the breakdowns. The fun, cool, relaxed teachers never had problems. Interesting correlation there. They sometimes went out of their way to make our lives difficult, and I'm supposed to care? Shove it.
These people have dedicated their lives to education.
To help you become a functioning member of society, to maybe even contribute something of value to it, or at least subsist.
And you spit on them.
I hope you're a kid. Your teachers aren't failing you, you are failing them.
· 6 years ago
1/2 If you feel that way. Where I live in the world, the education system is mostly a joke. Teachers care very little, come in to collect their (significant) government salaries, get a number of other perks and don’t give as much back to students as you guys seem to believe. Education was virtually useless in my life, and there’s no question I taught myself much more than my teachers ever did. I can prove that too. I am not a kid, I won’t hide behind that because I don’t need to. I am not saying there aren’t diamonds in the rough, but sorry, I’m not convinced my teachers did that much for me. There are a lot of people in the world collecting salaries they don’t deserve who then get classified as “dedicating their life to something”. It’s just not true. I will be the first person to highlight and spotlight good teachers, actually making a difference. I had many. I had ^10 more terrible, sadistic, and in many cases, unintelligent, misinformed teachers.
· 6 years ago
2/2 The fun days were when I humiliated them by knowing their subject better than they did. And when a 10yo knows what a 50yo is teaching better than they do, that’s a problem. So ride your high horse elsewhere. It sounds like you had great teachers, but I seemingly did not, and I’m not giving them credit just because they decided to be teachers. I’m in sales and I work with salespeople who sit around talking but never actually sell anything. We all hear about racist cops shooting people for fun. And most importantly, don’t ever give my teachers credit for me being a contributing member of society. I was more literate than most of them by the end of elementary school and my career has never required education- not even primary school. Sorry, you’re just wrong.
Then you went through one of the greatest systems in the history of the world.
· 6 years ago
Haha, you still think I’m the one who need more education? Statistics, countless, boundless, endless statistics, prove that Asian children coming out of classrooms where the whole class shares one outdated textbook- result in more intelligent, more educated children than in the west.
Western countries like Finland specifically, but most of Scandinavia have it right. Japan has it right. Some Western European countries do, some don’t. The North American system is a sad sad joke. Part of talking down from pinnacle of nobility, requires actually knowing what you’re talking about. Go get a clue, then come back and debate. But for gods sake, try not to sound so stupid in a debate about education
So, from what Ive experienced, students who think about their teachers this way are the ones that simply don't like to work or behave or are egotistic.
I dont see my students like soldiers. They are free to express, they are free to joke around, their liberty only ends when they are bothering someone else, interrupting for nothing or being disrespectful to me or others. Sometimes you need to be harsh cause there is no other way, cause if you aren't, that kid will have a hard time relating to others later on.
I guess what bothers me here, is the fact that you speak for all, as if the educational system of every country, of every goverment is the teachers alone. Believe me, we don't decide the way tye system is
Also, your first comment sounded like you were implying that homework was sadistic, and homework is really helpful for the work at the classroom
· 6 years ago
Tbh, I've always believed homework is a sadistic concept. The fact that the majority of all the most successful education systems in the world are moving away from it or have already discarded the idea altogether MIIIIGHT just be a point in my favour, but hey, they don't teach logic in school anymore, do they? With that said, I am extremely egotistical, and I hate working. What's interesting then is I have consistently, and still work harder than 99.9% of other people. I don't personally know anyone under the age of 25 who works 14 hours a day, 6 days a week for 3 years, but hey, my field of view could be limited. I do that so that one day I don't have to work at all. My point is not that though. Homework was not the issue. The teachers who always had issues in their own lives, and were frankly, horrid people were the ones who had breakdowns. I never felt bad as a young, immature kid. As a mature, intelligent man, I don't feel bad now either. They deserved it. Prove me wrong.
· 6 years ago
I've mentioned this before, I work in sales. I've been extremely successful to date, and I'm doing very very well for my age. When I undergo the stress, skip personal events, disregard friends or relationships, put more time in the office, sit indoors during the beautiful summer months, work my ass off... and then lose deals, nobody feels bad for me. Conversely, when I close MASSIVE deals, and take home MASSIVE commissions, I put in the work, but there are enough and more people who would selfishly want to strip me of my success. My point is and always was: if you're a cruel sadistic stressed-out bitch, and you have a breakdown, who's sympathy are you expecting? I'm not saying I didn't feel bad for the good people who had those breakdowns, but not the bad ones. That's like sympathizing with Hitler on his off days. Not happening yo.
To help you become a functioning member of society, to maybe even contribute something of value to it, or at least subsist.
And you spit on them.
I hope you're a kid. Your teachers aren't failing you, you are failing them.
Western countries like Finland specifically, but most of Scandinavia have it right. Japan has it right. Some Western European countries do, some don’t. The North American system is a sad sad joke. Part of talking down from pinnacle of nobility, requires actually knowing what you’re talking about. Go get a clue, then come back and debate. But for gods sake, try not to sound so stupid in a debate about education
I dont see my students like soldiers. They are free to express, they are free to joke around, their liberty only ends when they are bothering someone else, interrupting for nothing or being disrespectful to me or others. Sometimes you need to be harsh cause there is no other way, cause if you aren't, that kid will have a hard time relating to others later on.
I guess what bothers me here, is the fact that you speak for all, as if the educational system of every country, of every goverment is the teachers alone. Believe me, we don't decide the way tye system is