I'm sorry but it infuriates me to see these women act so helpless. Why are they relying on men to help them do menial tasks? Do they think it makes them look cute? "tee hee, I am good at using people"
Omg they are such hypocrites "tie my shoes" "paint my nails" "my knee is getting tired from my laptop lets use your's"
An then they're like "all we've ever wanted is to be equal"
Most of these are probably staged. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. They're not using people. If you legitimately wanted your nails done properly, you probably wouldn't ask a dude. And any guy who agrees to lie down between two rocks for any purpose other than a funny picture, is completely doing it to himself.
There's a girl at my school who has every single guy doing what ever she wants so then she can go out with them and this one poor kid has cuts on his arms from her she scratches his arm like a fuckin cat
An then they're like "all we've ever wanted is to be equal"