This is the "I want to be taken care of" girls approach to everything
· 6 years ago
Actually this is most women. I believe its psychological test to see if the man cares. I believe I read in a textbook that it goes way back to primal behaviour about testing if he really gives a F about you or something like that.
Either way, a painfully illogical behaviour, but men are no bundles of joy either so there we have it.
Sometimes women have a problem with their man, but dont know how to address it. But then the man does they thing they're angry about and they suddenly wanna talk about it because it just happened.
It's easier to tell a guy what hes doing wrong moments after it happened than to wait a few days.
If you're wondering "why didnt they say something sooner" then maybe when it happened the first time, they could have been around friends or it was an inopportune moment to bring it up
Either way, a painfully illogical behaviour, but men are no bundles of joy either so there we have it.
It's easier to tell a guy what hes doing wrong moments after it happened than to wait a few days.
If you're wondering "why didnt they say something sooner" then maybe when it happened the first time, they could have been around friends or it was an inopportune moment to bring it up