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· 5 years ago
I don't think i'll ever understand why some people are so mean to others.
· 5 years ago
I’m not advocating the behavior, just saying that’s not always the case. There is being cruel for the sake of being cruel, and being self centered. One can be mean not as a sign of insecurity, but because they don’t care about you, or care about something else more. An example- a boss who makes you work late because “they can” or because since no one invites them out to coworker events they’ll keep everyone else from going- etc. are insecure. A boss who does it simply to make you suffer is a sadist. Not all sadism comes from insecurity. One can simply enjoy the suffering of others. And a boss who makes you work late so that they can go home early or meet a bonus is simply selfish- not insecure. Of course a boss could make you work late for legitimate business needs. We can see that a single instance someone could perceive as “mean,” can have many motivations. Now...
· 5 years ago
... even if we are talking about something like name calling or put downs- yes. Some people put others down out of insecurity. But they could still be a sadist, or just not like you and want you to suffer, or they could have other motivations. While putting a person down to make yourself feel or look bigger is a form of insecurity- it’s also a strategy in many competitive environments. And you could not be doing it out of insecurity per se as if they are competition for you- you might have a friend or acquaintance up for a position for instance- and by making the other candidate look bad you might help your pick out. Likewise, some people are poor communicators or are accustomed to a certain way or style of interaction- through conditioning such as growing up or working. Around people like that and don’t see it as mean but just as normal.
· 5 years ago
out. So while the things I describe are not behaviors I consider to be noble or ideal for human virtue- I just wanted to point out that simply labeling behavior you see as “mean” as the mark of insecurity isn’t always the case. By overlooking. The true motivations you can possibly mis judge a person, or even Act incorrectly to attempt to remedy the situation and do yourself harm because your understanding of the situation was not correct. For instance- a person who is a sadist or selfish might be willing to chose another victim of interest- especially if you proved to be unreliable or “no fun,” where as a person who is insecure might see a challenge there and lay on you harder. So getting a best case assesemt of WHY they are mean is important. Usually in relationships a person who wants someone “mean” to everyone but them isn’t so much saying that as they are that they want a partner like Donald Trunp who looks out for himself and his “in crew” and is willing to sacrifice others for it
· 5 years ago
If theyre mean to everyone, they gonna be mean to you at some point.
· 5 years ago
If everyone was kind to each other, stranger or not, I think the world would be a wonderful place. Just imagine - no more rudeness. Ever!