@Shikharizard Says the man who encouraged catfluff to lick my feet lol. Anyway, I tagged you because you encourage strange this.
· 6 years ago
I don't know, but being inside Thanos' butthole as opposed to a cat licking your feet because your covered in tuna.. maybe it's just me, and maybe @grimreaper has different thoughts on the matter.. but one sounds worse than the other
@Shikharizard She kept licking my feet and proceeded upwards. This post is fictional and not reality, Shik. But you encouraging catfluff was
· 6 years ago
@Aviva she licked upwards in her second comment, after I encouraged her. I can't believe we're discussing this, and i suggest we might be reading a little too deep into the comments..that thread was a series of jokes, I had no idea such serious, permanent damage was being done, but apparently I missed the memo
· 6 years ago
And for the record, I still think all those comments were hilarious. I'm sorry if you didn't, I wasn't aware it was such a huge transgression
I don’t know that I agree. There are many anecdotal examples of things which are tough on the outside but easily damaged on the inside. There’s also the amplification I’d pressure in a confined space, and then there’s in universe examples like Luke Cage to suggest he MIGHT not be as tough inside as out. But- of particular note is simply how marvel films, and most films- are very poor at not only how they depict the effects of various forces in action, but how inconsistent they are. Think of the “slap a chicken” meme. We have characters survive things like falling from a planets atmosphere with re entry- or from high altitude and hitting the ground, characters surviving nuclear blasts or forces well in excess of 12g’s. We have characters who can take a hit from hardened armored goats backed by super strength. But these same characters are staggered or injured by people using everyday alloy objects as weapons. Many things that inherently lack the mass or hardness to be effective like...
Lamp posts or steep beams which would be more like being hit hard by a pool noodle. If we translate the g forces, mass, velocity, overall kinetic energy, or heat these characters have been shown to take with no or little effect, then look at some of the things that have hurt them and translate those- we can see there isn’t a solid set of rules as to what will or will not hurt a given character. I’ve taken in to account that a character who is already fatigued or injured, or has denfensive armor or systems damaged might respond differently, and that a “sucker punch” will generally cause more effect than a blow they could prepare for- but it’s still not consistent. Energy type weapons are very ingregious in this regard. While many of the types of energy weapons used don’t have real world counterparts to calculate from, and we aren’t given specs for most in terms of heat, energy, mechanism of action, area of spread etc. we do have some guidelines based on the theoretical effects and...
... maximuks we see on screen. “Self made” energy powers like Captain Marvel’s are slightly trickier since they can theoretically have “limits” the user can exceed through will or exertion since they are generated by a living creature and can vary in strength based on the condition and drive of the user- weapons like blasters which are machines likewise MIGHT have the ability to run them at a higher power setting which exceeds a standard limit set for safety or reliability. However as machines we can reasonably extrapolate a theoretical maximum as well given what we know about physics in universe and out. So it doesn’t add up. Viewed in that light- wether ant man butt busting thanos would work is less subject to laws of physics and more subject to the whims of writers as the physics of the MCU are. One can’t really speculate in such a case if hitting the Hulk with a water truck or crashing a moon into him would kill him because of how these things are handled.