Yeah... the American hate is starting to get a little bit exhausting. There are countries where slavery is still legal but people would much rather pick apart the US.
· 5 years ago
And of course I get downvoted for not hating on America--how surprising...
Well off Americans who can afford to travel and dickheads on the webs are the ones who get the hate. They are plenty of every day Americans who are just like everyday French, Nigerians, Uzbekis, Cuban, or whatever. IME anyway.
Ok. But take a second and realize how to a person from a marginalized group like many native peoples like in Australlia or America who had their cultures taken away, their languages, their children kidnapped and were “re educated” and excluded because their culture was “dirty” “savage” or “primitive,” that having a white guy tell them not only: “hey- lighten up about having white people take your culture. It isn’t a big deal...” is already maybe a bit much... but add the follow up: “You should strive to be and think more the way my white culture does because my way is better than yours...” might be quite over the line to the point where this seems like it would be a well done satire of ignorance?
And now we have it back. Don't treat people bad because of the past.
· 5 years ago
Excluding instances where an entire people is literally slaughtered or absorbed into a strict and close-minded culture, you can't exactly have your culture taken away from you in the sense that most people identify as appropriation.
Cultures have a lot to offer the world. Spanish culture taught me how death is something to celebrate rather than fear. Japanese culture inspired me to be more gracious and accept things gifted to me when my own culture would rather I kindly decline them. To some people, cultures inspire their fashions, beliefs, and lifestyles in small and also not so small ways. If your culture has something unique about it, I don't see how other cultures adopting those things is somehow offensive or demeaning to your culture overall. This is the literal meaning behind the phrase, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Some people like me don't follow their own cultures to a T.
· 5 years ago
If I see something that I like or that makes enough sense for me to wanna adopt, I'm gonna do that thing. If I think a garb is nice looking, I might wanna wear it on Halloween. For some cultures, bathing in and absorbing sensibilities from other cultures IS apart of their culture. I think if you're against people harmlessly learning from and adopting aspects of your culture, then you're either against personal growth or,yeah, maybe you just have a stick up your ass.
Can people borrow from your culture n negative or even hostile ways? Yes. But don't let those people stop others from learning from you.
TL;DR I'm a white guy telling other cultures how to feel
Pfffft Riiight. I've been living in Ireland for the past 5 years and the Irish hate your guts if you're of any kind of race, nationality or religion beside theirs. Cultural appropriation is present everywhere. You can't walk into a pub without being constantly watched with a disgust on their faces. Pathetic nation. Please stop spreading lies about Irish people. You make them sound like mythical unicorns.
Hi guys. Irish guy from Dublin here. I want to clarify some points for ya'll:
1- Irish people hate everyone no matter the country. Including ourselves. But we do like talking to people so we try not to treat you any different.
2- We do go nuts when people do the whole 'Leprechaun' thing cas Leprechauns isn't a thing over here except for tourism.
3- you look great today, stop being so negative and go flirt with someone.
I think we shouldn't trivialize Irish culture like this. If you think the Irish weren't marginalized as much as other cultures, you need to read up on your history. The English committed genocide against the Irish people for God's sake. Irish citizens were beaten for speaking their own language, their religion was taken away from them, as was their land. To top it all, every year all the countries make a mockery of our culture and perpetuate stereotypes that all Irish are drunkards. Most Irish live in Ireland so the St. Patrick's day celebrations aren't shoved in their faces, but if you do happen to meet an actual Irish person living in America I am sure they will not find St. Patrick's day leprechauns as amusing as your friend whose grandmother is half irish does.
Cultures have a lot to offer the world. Spanish culture taught me how death is something to celebrate rather than fear. Japanese culture inspired me to be more gracious and accept things gifted to me when my own culture would rather I kindly decline them. To some people, cultures inspire their fashions, beliefs, and lifestyles in small and also not so small ways. If your culture has something unique about it, I don't see how other cultures adopting those things is somehow offensive or demeaning to your culture overall. This is the literal meaning behind the phrase, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Some people like me don't follow their own cultures to a T.
Can people borrow from your culture n negative or even hostile ways? Yes. But don't let those people stop others from learning from you.
TL;DR I'm a white guy telling other cultures how to feel
1- Irish people hate everyone no matter the country. Including ourselves. But we do like talking to people so we try not to treat you any different.
2- We do go nuts when people do the whole 'Leprechaun' thing cas Leprechauns isn't a thing over here except for tourism.
3- you look great today, stop being so negative and go flirt with someone.