That’s a perfect example of being a greedy bitch. But hey, at least she asked ahead of time and you saw her true intentions (aka free meal) and were able to dodge that train wreck!
Sorry to hear it. It seems you and she didn’t see eye to eye on who should pay for a first date. There’s also a chance she was after a “free meal,” but let’s guve her the benefit of the doubt and say her idea of manners and yours didn’t align. Did you know that in some cultures when you go out for a birthday meal- the birthday person is supposed to pay for everyone else? In my culture- on your birthday it is generally accepted that if others invited you that they would pay for your meal. In some cultures where you sit at a table even dictates who pays. We live in a diverse world and sometimes cultures clash. We have to do our best to make things work but sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and part ways. Many hold to a traditional idea that men pay, and manynothers hold their own rules like “if it’s more than XYZ dollars” or some activities are split differently etc. some believe in full joint pay and some believe in pay your own way. Others feel whoever makes more pays.. etc.
To each their own. We each just have to try not to be offended by what we see as poor manners, and instead keep in mind that manners are cultural, contextual, and individual. A Martian might think it’s rude not to poop at the table, and to most of us that would be pretty darn rude. Before getting upset I’d just have to remember that in their eyes IM the rude one. At the end of the day I’m not pooping or letting anyone poop at dinner (unless it’s a medical thing,) so if they aren’t backing down either- we can still be cool but maybe we just don’t eat together. I can’t say they’d feel the same but I can on my end not hold any ill will to them.
Dude, you're literally the worst. You pretend to be objective, or even fair, but you just barrage people with the lecture of the ages, and always taking the point to neutral. It's like you play devils advocate for passive aggression, but only if its contradictory towards anothers POV.
Everything about this meme screams gold-digging bitch. Literally asks someone to dinner and asks them to pay for her, 1 message apart. That's the first thing she cares about after meeting someone - yet the professor is in full swing.
This whole meme could be some misogynistic neckbeard venting sexual frustration, but we're discussing this image, as it is, and to the extent of contextual information available.
Stop it dad.
Precisely. From a single image- we don’t have much. So we project our imaginations and life experiences and perspectives on it like a child using a stick as a spaceship or a doll. Outside of where one must act decisively for avoiding imminent danger or loss, there’s no reason to make snap judgments. His life and future interactions wouldn’t be enhanced by assuming she was a gold digger. There’s no lesson for him to learn as his strategy already adds protection against such women. If one needs to feel better than another to soften the blow of rejection or disappointment at things not going their way, that’s a personal issue and not an external one to project onto others. So what harm is caused in giving a stranger you exchanged a few words with the benefit of the doubt?
· 6 years ago
What harm is caused in actually looking at a meme and accepting it for what it is, instead of projecting every annoying fucking alternate reality - just to deliberately contradict the first comment - which is clearly correct? Aside from making you sound like a fool, which it definitely does, you’re just wrong.
Fuck, I’m barking up the wrong tree. You seem to enjoy being wrong. I think that maybe our primary disagreement.
As to lectures and that stuff- I’m not a perfect person by far. I get angry, I can be negative and bias and just by human nature I’m inclined to frame things from my own perspective intuitively. That doesn’t mean that I can’t exert effort to control my emotions instead of having them control me- that doesn’t mean that I can’t try to be a better person than I am. It’s true of all humans. We aren’t perfect, but we can try to be better. We can’t be completely unbiased and we can’t be completely sure of anything as we lack omnipotence. But we can try to view a situation from as many angles as we are able, to consider as much as possible, to make an effort to respect others and see their side of things. Some people learn to get drunk on pushing emotions to extremes. They tend to like to use jackhammers to drive nails into walls. We can step away from that rush and process information in ways that don’t require us to have tunnel vision.
· 6 years ago
Some people are already so drunk with their heads spinning at 750RPM at idle, that they can't stop and focus on any one given topic, point, subject or opinion. They're so dedicated to seeing every point of view that they outright refuse to see any single one, which in many cases is the only correct one - especially given the extent of information available on hand.
I guess those are the two ends of the spectrum. One has focus and leads somewhere. The other leads everywhere, and therefore goes nowhere. Sounds about right.
Luckily the world has you- always ready to step up and bring your single minded and narrow views and perspective, and to be sure to proclaim with great zeal that your way can be the only right way.
· 6 years ago
Hah, lucky world, luckier me. If the world had its way, your way, we'd all be a bunch of anti-vax, flat-earther, fat-accepting, gender-identity, disillusioned, self-victimizing flakes.
I'm fighting a losing battle against this overwhelming wave of stupidity, but at least I'm trying. But based on the way society is going, I suppose I should congratulate you for propogating mediocrity. I hear you're something of a hero in those circles.
Some how between your first post and this post I went from being insufferably unbiased and neutral to being a left wing extremist? Not only is that self contradictory, but at this point you’ve ran out of things to say and are flinging mud hoping for anything to stick. Anyone who has read any number of my comments or cares to is aware that I hold scientific fact and logic in high regard but not as the sole arbitrators of human existence. So where you base your claims of flat earth or antivax from I have no idea. I shall not join you in the mid this time though. Mrscollector doesn’t like it when I do, and I respect her so I will refrain. If you have anything on topic to discuss I’m more than willing to oblige.
· 6 years ago
Oh no no, don't misunderstand me. You've always come across as an extremist left-wing, white knight, defender of the flakes. You are however insufferable in your desire to contradict all opinionated statements and 'suggest' or otherwise impose neutrality on clearly non-neutral subjects.
Please. I can't be bothered to argue this out with you. You're almost as nonchalant as I, so I don't expect anything to stick. The difference is, I routinely state my opinion which quite often happens to be controversial. You pipe up and try and drag me down the line to neutrality. Effectively you call me out. Returning the favour was an absolute pleasure.
You elect to withhold the cold, harsh objectivity through which I view the world. That's your choice. The laws of our reality however are directly aligned with my thinking. That's why you're just wrong quite so often. You deliberately elect to be illogical, so its really not me wallowing in the mud.
· 6 years ago
And fair enough, you've never once discussed anti-vax or flat-earth to my knowledge. It just wouldn't be a stretch to imagine with you.
Everything about this meme screams gold-digging bitch. Literally asks someone to dinner and asks them to pay for her, 1 message apart. That's the first thing she cares about after meeting someone - yet the professor is in full swing.
This whole meme could be some misogynistic neckbeard venting sexual frustration, but we're discussing this image, as it is, and to the extent of contextual information available.
Stop it dad.
Fuck, I’m barking up the wrong tree. You seem to enjoy being wrong. I think that maybe our primary disagreement.
I guess those are the two ends of the spectrum. One has focus and leads somewhere. The other leads everywhere, and therefore goes nowhere. Sounds about right.
I'm fighting a losing battle against this overwhelming wave of stupidity, but at least I'm trying. But based on the way society is going, I suppose I should congratulate you for propogating mediocrity. I hear you're something of a hero in those circles.
Please. I can't be bothered to argue this out with you. You're almost as nonchalant as I, so I don't expect anything to stick. The difference is, I routinely state my opinion which quite often happens to be controversial. You pipe up and try and drag me down the line to neutrality. Effectively you call me out. Returning the favour was an absolute pleasure.
You elect to withhold the cold, harsh objectivity through which I view the world. That's your choice. The laws of our reality however are directly aligned with my thinking. That's why you're just wrong quite so often. You deliberately elect to be illogical, so its really not me wallowing in the mud.
You texted him first.
You asked him out.
You expected him to pay.
Talking about having thick skin.