Pupper: This house needed more sheep, so I fixed it
5 years ago by celticrose · 1266 Likes · 2 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
fun fact: herding is literally in their genes. Friends of ours have two australian shepards who never ever saw a sheep in their life. When they were 1,5 years old, or friends took them to a big party on the country side, with many young families attending and thus about 6 or 7 children between 4 and 6. Late in the afternoon someone pointed out that these kids were stickin g together all the time but doing nothing, just standing in a certain area about 30 ft in diameter. Then my wife, who is an experienced trained dog teacher realized the two shepherds actually herded them. If one kid tried to go anywhere, the shepherds would direct them back to the "herd", even by softly pinching them in their legs, like a shepherd dog would do. They did this so smoothely and calmly, nobody realized for quite a while and the kids didn't even bother that much. They hadn't been trained whatsoever but they came from a line of actual working dogs.