You know you can train a pig to be a seeing eye dog/pig lol even teach them to be helpers like dogs. They are very smart.
My uncle hard one that stuck with a goat my uncle had that was blind. It would show it where to go to get food and water. It laided by the goats side when it slept. They were best friends to the very end. The pig even saved the goat from a wolf. The damn wolf put a big slash on the pigs side and the goat screamed out for help. My uncle ran out to find the pig hurt. Normally a pig hurt that bad it be best to shoot it but my uncle got his wheel burrow put the pig in it wheeled it to his truck got the pig in and took it to a buddy of his who is a farm vet. They fixed the guy up and he was back on his feet in no time side by side with the goat.
Oh. Once I learned they are like dogs I stopped eating pork. Also I'm pary cuban so eating pork means you see the actual whole animal getting roasted so, to me, That helps not want to eat it.
I love all animals but... umm...
*looks down in shame*
...I love eating them to much to stop.
*drops to my knees pleading for forgiveness*
But I swear I never ate one I knew or will I ever.
If it doesn't come from a farm or hunting I don't touch it. And with hunting I make sure I know it wasn't for excessive sport. My uncle would go hunt boar, wild Turkey, and deer. He only hunts what he will eat. Yeah he gives us some but it all came from 1 animal.
But I swear I never touched the bambi meat. (Mainly due to it being to gameie for me and well deer are cute)
I don't even eat tuna because it isn't all dolphin safe. (And I hate tuna)
Why does meat have to taste so yummy?
Especially chicken?
My uncle hard one that stuck with a goat my uncle had that was blind. It would show it where to go to get food and water. It laided by the goats side when it slept. They were best friends to the very end. The pig even saved the goat from a wolf. The damn wolf put a big slash on the pigs side and the goat screamed out for help. My uncle ran out to find the pig hurt. Normally a pig hurt that bad it be best to shoot it but my uncle got his wheel burrow put the pig in it wheeled it to his truck got the pig in and took it to a buddy of his who is a farm vet. They fixed the guy up and he was back on his feet in no time side by side with the goat.
*looks down in shame*
...I love eating them to much to stop.
*drops to my knees pleading for forgiveness*
But I swear I never ate one I knew or will I ever.
If it doesn't come from a farm or hunting I don't touch it. And with hunting I make sure I know it wasn't for excessive sport. My uncle would go hunt boar, wild Turkey, and deer. He only hunts what he will eat. Yeah he gives us some but it all came from 1 animal.
But I swear I never touched the bambi meat. (Mainly due to it being to gameie for me and well deer are cute)
I don't even eat tuna because it isn't all dolphin safe. (And I hate tuna)
Why does meat have to taste so yummy?
Especially chicken?