I'm just waiting until the word loses any meaning and the world is going to fall off a cliff into straight race conflict. It's like these people never read a history book in their life and can't think more than 2 steps ahead. The historical pendulum swings further every time it changes direction, and I can't even imagine the scale of the backswing this will cause.
I don't think this is the only outcome, but holy shit, if this keeps going, we're going to have some serious issues later down the line, worse than even now.
Thats because truth no longer matter to these idiots, only feelings. Wasn't there a Harvard graduate that was trying to say that if the truth didn't fit their political naritive that the truth must be changed or some load of shit like that ? I hope that was a hoax.
I hope so too. But that’s kinda an example of the conflict. Feelings DO matter and truth doesn’t always impact feelings. A spouse can explain all the reasons that it’s practical and safe and not in any meaningful and logical way a problem that they fucked your boss for you to get a promotion. Facts: there is no detriment to the function of their sex organs from use. They likely have had sex with other people before you met and it wasn’t a problem. They have no attraction or attachment to your boss. The boss isn’t a threat to your security in a relationship. They used protection, birth control, and have been tested. They have no diseases or kids. You benefit at no cost.
However you FEELINGS of betrayal, whatever else- those are very real to you and will likely impact you. There’s no meaningful logical and practical reason for it- it’s just your feelings that make you upset about it, no harm was done to you. So replacing fact with feeling is bad- but fact and feeling aren’t always related. Just as you can’t change physics because you feel it’s unfair you can’t change the fact a person feels like they should be able to fly just because fact says they can’t fly. The conflict comes in a failure to reconcile the two points- one side ignoring feelings for facts and another ignoring fact for feeling- both guilty of the same crime but opposite sides of the coin.
But if the feelings are greater than the truth, she would never tell you how you got that promotion, it would be surpressed information. That is until she is pissed enough at you during an argument and then everything gets thrown in your face. lol.
Feeling is a reaction based on instinct. Next we must process fact, and lastly we must rectify fact and feeling to determine an appropriate action. With humans- few actions will be determined entirely by fact because we aren’t machines of logic. An emotional component must always be considered if we want to achieve anything productive wether when dealing with our own minds or other people. We bury our dead. Hold elaborate rights and rituals which often cost significant resources. The land a cemetery sits on would house living people- and there are living people without homes who as a practical matter- need the space more. Or animal habitat. Whatever.
The point is that we all allow sentiment and feeling to impact us. Most every religion on earth is faith based- a feeling. Feeling the love or power or influence of a greater power. Science hasn’t found Karma. Genetics hasn’t identified morality or good and evil. Hubble has yet to get a candid photo of a universal creator that we know of. Fact is all but absent from these beliefs- ultimately at some point we run out of fact and then we extrapolate based on experience- and experiences differ person to person. So feelings are part of the equation and must be addressed- they do not supersede fact but combining the two things is a form of diplomacy vital to civilization.
The person in this post would change history books. Like when they say WW2 , the Japanese only attack the Americans after the US cut off their oil. They don't want to hear that the oil was cut off only after Japan invaded several countries.
I do agree. I find such revisionist history distasteful. It is true the US cut off Japanese oil- but as you say, that’s only part of the story. It was a form of sanction. And it is POSSIBLY true that factored in to Pearl Harbor- but fuck that shit. The Japanese wanted to move in to the Mayala region to secure oil and rubber to use to CONQUER ALL OF ASIA. They were knee deep in genocidal ambitions in Korea and China amongst other places they were conquering because they wanted to expand. Their island doesn’t have a lot of key resources for expansion. So what does Pearl Harbor American military base have to do with oil in the Dutch East Indies and Malaya?
Japan was the aggressor in a brutal war they started. The United States and allies wanted peace- the way the UN or any country might try and stop another from raping and murdering and making war by saying “ok... but if you’re going to war I’m going to protest it through trade and diplomacy. If you’re going to murder rape across Asia I’m not going to sell you the gas to drive your door to door rape vans.” So Japan attacked our navy to cripple our ability to stop them from raping and murdering Chinese. That’s the part that gets left out. What did they want to gas for?
So the revisionist history here is saying “you wouldn’t let little Johnny bring a knife to school and stab other kids so he brought a gun to your work and shot the place up and that’s your fault.”
Does that make any sense? It’s bullshit.
But it IS true that an oil embargo was part of the cause of Pearl Harbor- even though the Japanese would have had to take our military out anyway so the point is moot. They were going to do something anyway. It also ignores the fact the British also embargoed them. So the idea it was simply retaliation is ridiculous. History and science are what they are. As I say- feelings don’t change facts, we can consider feeling with fact in making choices, but we can’t change facts for feelings sake.
Yeah. It's crazy shit my friend . I am curious as to how the checks and balance system will be affected if this trend continues. I will probably not mind going to the grave then. Of course, being a cis white male, I would have to be thrown into a trash heap or something because burring a white man is racist. lol ,What does cis even stand for ?
I’m was only familiar with cis from chemistry and was very confused the first time I saw it. It’s not an abbreviation though- it’s short for “cisgender.” Like the opposite of “transgender.” Cis is a prefix from Latin meaning “on this side of.” So cisgender is just anyone who identifies as the gender that matches their biological sex. I want the future to be a “good” one- but honestly? I’m aware that the world changes. Kids born in 1820 would likely hate today and kids born today would likely hate 1820. The culture and everything is so different it would be a total shock. So I anticipate the future will be one I won’t much like- and have made my peace. I don’t recon I have so many decades left if that. So the people who have to live with the future we make the longest are the kids. If they want to live in a world without guns and where we all call each other “Zhe” to avoid “gender triggering” or whatever- that’s not the world I know and love but that’s fine for them.
Mostly agree, but I don't think it would be fine for them. Could you imagine a world , where feelings are the most important factor in lawmaking ? Civilization would crumble into anarchy. The ones with guns wouldn't necessarily honor the "rules" for safe spaces. I don't see it lasting too long.
Yeah, but that’s on them. Your kids, maybe some guy you train to do a job-you show them all you know. Everything a life time of experience tells you is “the right way.” You say “do it like this- you won’t have problems... I’ll be around. Call me if you need anything...” then one day comes and they are off on their own. You aren’t around to guide them and you aren’t there to correct them- and even if you are there’s nothing you can do to make them go your way if they decide they don’t want to. Wether that leads to disaster or success for them- that’s on them now and it’s their choice. While I’m still around- I plan to live my life. I plan to “be on call” to offer whatever experience I might have so that the future generation can choose- or not- what if anything to take from it.
But once we “retire” from being being alive- the company is in new hands. The guy who is credited as inventing TV hated TV. He thought it would bring culture and education. But before he died he saw the moon landing on tv after decades of distrust and regret- and he said that made it all worth it. If there’s a war- I’m not getting called up. If these kids and their “safe spaces” make it to mars- I’ll likely never get to see the trip. So as long as no one ruins my ability to just live out my time left- wether it falls apart or brings a new era of peace the risk and reward is on someone else. I suppose the choice should be made by whoever has to live with it.
Hell- society might fall apart. It’ll be put back together again too. Or it won’t. Who knows. It’s all likely gonna end someday- and likely long after we are gone, so we won’t ever know. Corny as it is- freedom and democracy- the true American spirit can’t be erased. Even if America was wiped from the earth, hundreds or thousands of years may pass but a successor will come along. Things change, they always will. That’s nature.
That's true, but ANTIFA trying, and have some success, with their desire to kill free speech , can happen in our lifetime. Those idiots, in their cowardly mask and hoods, have stop people from speaking. Some of the ones they shut down , were in my opinion assholes. I can choose to listen to them, debate them, or simply choose to not listen to them. They shouldn't shut them down. The police, and National guard should have rolled into Berkley for example, and stopped them from attacking a Constitutionally protected right to free speech. With deadly force if needed. Sounds cold hearted, but these asshats need to be labeled as terrorist an dispersed.
A lot of these folks grow up sheltered in “civilized” environments. People don’t hit each other and everyone is scared of consequences so they mostly “behave.” They start to feel invincible. There’s always an invisible force that allows them to say and do what they like and keeps any violence from coming their way. They don’t understand what happens when you finally push the wrong person too hard and they don’t care about what conventions of society say about violence. Some “smarter” ones have some idea. They’ll push hard enough for batons or tear gas or rubber rounds. Enough to make the news- get sympathy, have “proof” that the cops or military or whoever are the violent monsters they say for “attacking” civilians. It’ll give them cred and come out at every party. “Oh yeah I was hit by a rubber bullet. They say it’s human but my 27 stitches say it isn’t...”
They should be careful they figure out who doesn't want to hurt anybody and who is just waiting for an excuse.
I have a buddy from Oregon who says Antifa nearly killed his sister with a bike-lock. He's already traded shifts with one of the guys scheduled to be on Gate duty that month.
NCOs are armed, and there's talk about giving everyone on the gate rifles and kit.
I suggest they don't push us. Soldiers are all over El Paso, many are armed, and the gate guys are authorized to use lethal force against any substantial aggression.
We aren't like the Portland PD, we will defend ourselves and eachother.
I hit you, you hit me back so you are the violent aggressor . Run to the media to whine. Media waits for blood bath for stories to run 24/7 so they keep the idiots rolling along. It won't belong before one of them gets blown away after they hit the wrong person and then they'll scream and cry that "we told you they were violent, and that's why we were trying stop them".
There was a video of a group of ANTIFA blocking a sidewalk. They were calling the cops every name in the book, and the cops just took it with a grain of salt and stood by. One guy was yelling at them that he needs to get to work. A women comes by and they let the woman go and a group of men push through. An ANTIFA punches one guy and he punched back. Turned out to be a woman in the mask. That all start yelling for the nazi cocksuckers pigs to arrest him for punching her. I don't know if the video is still on YouTube or not, but it's worth a watch.
Oh lord. Lol. I’ll eat mark that for when I need a video that scratches my dark itches. Yeah. They’re Nazis and thugs until you need help and then the same cops you just insulted need to do something. Spoiled, immature, hypocrites. I like watching videos of cop baiters getting owned whenever I need to feel darkly satisfied. I’m all for freedom and meaningful tests of our system- but I’m not for petulant arrogant and ignorant people on power trips or looking for attention causing others trouble and tying up resources that could be used for actual good.
Yeah. That’s a real pet peeve of mine. People who act all big and tough because they know they are safe to do so, but the moment they actually might have to back up their tough talk or stand by it.... all of a sudden they take another tone. I get that most people fantasize about being some kind of bad ass- but if you are just some blow fish that puffs up any tome you want to look big- sooner or later someone is going to test that and find out your a bag of wind.
- and before anyone mentions that some blow fish poison you- yeah. Maybe. But if you eat a blow fish and then pay the consequences that doesn’t do much for the blow fish. Likewise- relying on the thought that anyone you mess with probably doesn’t want to go to jail for shutting you down only works until you find the person that doesn’t care or hasn’t thought that far ahead. If someone beats you to death in a bar or you get shot dead messing around- they might go to jail but where will you be and what good does that do you?
I think Texas maybe one of States that pass the law protecting drivers if they run down one of these fools, as long as its accidental (or appears accidental ,lol).
Someone loves downvoting for a passtime. I don't care if they disagree, but express the opposing view point . I have the ability to change my mind , unlike some of these , I don't even know what to call them anymore .
I don't think this is the only outcome, but holy shit, if this keeps going, we're going to have some serious issues later down the line, worse than even now.
Does that make any sense? It’s bullshit.
I have a buddy from Oregon who says Antifa nearly killed his sister with a bike-lock. He's already traded shifts with one of the guys scheduled to be on Gate duty that month.
NCOs are armed, and there's talk about giving everyone on the gate rifles and kit.
I suggest they don't push us. Soldiers are all over El Paso, many are armed, and the gate guys are authorized to use lethal force against any substantial aggression.
We aren't like the Portland PD, we will defend ourselves and eachother.
I doubt the cops will investigate too hard, and what Texas jury is going to convict someone for hurting a known shit-starter?