Assuming you mean USA: To the extent of 0 inches! But it will continue to be problem until we start teaching history accurately, prosecuting transparently, and change the laws about access to guns.
The way US history is taught is so badly off - and the overrepresentation of a certain ‘type’ / group as the only and inevitable leaders so systemic - that you have to deprogram yourself and then learn on your own. The textbooks and teaching border on and sometimes are outright lies about how things were.
There is no excuse for not realizing this. There can be patience, however. What there can NOT be patience for is people trying to force a highly self-centered and disordered world view through violence, domestic terrorism, and abuse of institutionalized forms of power or authority.
The way US history is taught is so badly off - and the overrepresentation of a certain ‘type’ / group as the only and inevitable leaders so systemic - that you have to deprogram yourself and then learn on your own. The textbooks and teaching border on and sometimes are outright lies about how things were.
There is no excuse for not realizing this. There can be patience, however. What there can NOT be patience for is people trying to force a highly self-centered and disordered world view through violence, domestic terrorism, and abuse of institutionalized forms of power or authority.