Just when you think they're getting it
5 years ago by quotezz · 259 Likes · 2 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
It gets really dicey doesn’t it? We don’t call it gambling when a kid puts some quarters into a machine at the store and doesn’t know exactly what will come out. We don’t call it gambling when collectible toys or figurines and the like are sold in “blind box” format- what’s inside could be any toy in the series. We don’t slap Pokémon cards or Magic or any number of trading card games built on a physical booster pack gambling. We don’t consider it unethical that Microsoft will sell you a gaming PC but you have to pay extra for a game if you want to get the “full experience.” It’s not considered unethical when a game like mass effect requires you to buy multiple game disks to unlock the full experience- or when a game comes with feature that can only be unlocked by paying for online play privileges.
· 5 years ago
Now- I certainly consider what EA and other game makers do with their DLC and “paid loot” and the like to be most often unethical or at least in bad faith. But that said- I hate “app games” and the modern model of them specifically. But how can we fault consoles for going the exact thing app games do legally already? I’d like to see app games and console games regulated free of this bull $hit- but targeting only console games and publishers isn’t really fair if we are going to say a phone game maker can do it.