Daily Dose of Prehistory: Back From Extinction 129
5 years ago by deleted · 301 Likes · 3 comments · Fresh
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· 5 years ago
Quinkana fortirostrum, named after the Quinkans, a legendary folk in Aboriginal mythology, was an extinct genus of mekosuchine crocodiles that inhabited Australia from 24 million years ago to around 40000 years ago, dying out with the vast majority of Australian megafauna thanks to climate change at the end of the Ice Age. Quinkana was unique in that it was one of the last large terrestrial crocodiles, featuring long, straight legs and ziphodont teeth (basically imagine the teeth you'd see on a monitor lizard or carnivorous dinosaur) and measured up to 20 feet long. In terms of its position on the food chain, it was one of the big 4 predators in Ice Age Australia, competing with the likes of the other apex predators like the marsupial predator Thylacleo, the giant monitor lizard Megalania, and humans when they arrived on the island around 60000 years ago.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
That is one big croco
· 5 years ago
"Swing first, motherfucker!"