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· 5 years ago
My oldest brother never got a blizzard from Dairy Queen before. When I lived with him in Ariona he took me and his daughter for ice cream. I asked for a blizzard and he decided he wanted one as well. The woman hands him my nieces ice cream. He takes it and hands it to her. Than just as he turns around the woman has one of the blizzards and flips it above his lap on the car. He freaks out and waves his hands like he is trying to catch it. Lmfao. Than when she flips it back he starts to breath like he just had a heart attack lol. I asked him "Didn't you know they flip it to show how thick it is?" He says in a cracked voice "FUCK NOOO! I NEVER GET THESE!" I nearly died from laughing so hard. Literally I nearly died. I have a breathing problem and I laughed so hard I stopped breathing he had to beat on my back to make my lungs work lol.