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· 5 years ago
I recall many hard games which are to this day considered some of the toughest of all time. Rygar, Battletoads.... there are many. Something to remember though is it wasn’t just the games themselves. There was no internet. You couldn’t find answers to questions or strategy or anything. If you were lucky you had an instruction manual. Games weren’t big then. Depending on where you lived you might be one or only a few of players- and people didn’t usually advertise it. No gamer tees or gear or merch. No community support, little or no magazines or sources of tips. A $5 a minute or something like that phone line with “load screen” style tips like “try to grab coins to get 1 ups!”
· 5 years ago
That dark souls brutality that anything could kill you or end your game? Having to repeat sections or fights over and over? Yeah. That was almost every game. If you were lucky there was a password or maybe a one single save slot. Primitive graphics wild often have you not even knowing what something on screen was. Most things didn’t tell you what they did or stats or anything. You had to figure it out. Xp and other systems were rare and characters often didn’t get any permanent power boosts as levels and enemies got harder.
· 5 years ago
We’re games harder then? I can’t say they were. Was it harder to play games then? Oh yes. The standards and polish today wasn’t there. Controls and mechanics and things were constantly evolving. One FPS or RPG may have these little differences today- but back then it was the Wild West and almost everything was new or unseen constantly. Little or no information... etc. but games are more complex now. There may be hundreds of enemy types and thousands of possibilities. More for players to keep track of and to do at once. More buttons and commands to remember. Etc etc. it’s no contest. Hard is hard. We had hard games. Kids today have hard games.