In fairness: I contend Thanos would be the millennial and the Avengers are the Boomers. Thanos: Wants to save the environment from the thoughtless selfishness of others. Grew up in a world where competition was fierce and resources were few. Uses technology the avengers had never heard of- a bespoke artisanal talisman which the avengers need help understanding how it works.
Avengers: come from a planet where most of them are wealthy or middle class. Little or no real competition or threat to them. Fighting to preserve the world as they know it and prevent an upstart new comer and his revolutionary ideas from causing change and instability wether it is for the better or not. Just want to retire to their homes and families mostly.
Thanos: Little familial attachment except for those few people he feels “get” him. Doesn’t like making new friends or meeting strangers. Awkward in social situations. Anxiety about the future. Borderline depression. Questions the nature of power and morality.
Avengers: strong tie to nuclear family and extended family. Like making friends and networking. Confident the future will be fine as long as they are around to guide it. Primarily see problems in terms of how those problems effect them. Rarely question power or the morality of their actions. See their power as a destiny or right which they must use to uphold what they see as right.
Avengers: come from a planet where most of them are wealthy or middle class. Little or no real competition or threat to them. Fighting to preserve the world as they know it and prevent an upstart new comer and his revolutionary ideas from causing change and instability wether it is for the better or not. Just want to retire to their homes and families mostly.
Avengers: strong tie to nuclear family and extended family. Like making friends and networking. Confident the future will be fine as long as they are around to guide it. Primarily see problems in terms of how those problems effect them. Rarely question power or the morality of their actions. See their power as a destiny or right which they must use to uphold what they see as right.