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· 4 years ago
And? What are the odds of many things in fiction? LOTR, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, on and on. The odds that some key thing or person is in the right place at the right time? Often some destiny or such is used to drive certain points. But in the end- real life makes lousy fiction most of the time, it’s either too mundane to be interesting or too unbelievable that audiences would cry foul. People have fallen from planes and lived, had long lost twins. One time a person was arrested for stealing a car because not only did they park near someone with then EXACT same car- the keys for both cars were EXACTLY the same and one key opened and started the other! Long lost twins and all this sort of stuff happens.
· 4 years ago
The odds of winning the lottery are slim but people do it. Life is full of things that are statistically unlikely. They don’t happen every day to everyone or they wouldn’t be unlikely- but if you want realism in fiction then you’re going to need some crazy long shot coincidences because they happen in real life to people too. What are the odds you’d be at the same mall across town as a teacher when you cut school? The odds of bumping into an old school mate in another country? These things happen all the time.