I feel like we go over this every few months due to reposts.
Require the child to replace the scissors with new ones. She needs to buy them. This forces her to take responsibility for her actions while also teaching her the value of fabric scissors is a real world monetary sense. At minimum she is unlikely to repeat her mistake due to the fact that fabric scissors aren't cheap and she likely wouldn't want to spend the money on replacing them. Likely this would also help cement the idea that she should do her best to correct her mistakes whenever possible.
Require the child to replace the scissors with new ones. She needs to buy them. This forces her to take responsibility for her actions while also teaching her the value of fabric scissors is a real world monetary sense. At minimum she is unlikely to repeat her mistake due to the fact that fabric scissors aren't cheap and she likely wouldn't want to spend the money on replacing them. Likely this would also help cement the idea that she should do her best to correct her mistakes whenever possible.