We shall never forget the library of Alexandria
5 years ago by chickster · 968 Likes · 8 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
No, it didn't.
· 5 years ago
Don’t know why you are being downvoted. Let’s visit.. the facts. We don’t know that the library was ultimately “destroyed.” History suggests it may have been burned and sacked many times- but there are records from the centuries after the supposed “destruction” of the library referencing scholars and others going to the library for regular goings on. Regardless however- very little from ancient Alexandria survived even if it wasn’t explicitly destroyed because well... it was a long time ago and historical preservation wasn’t always such a huge thing. People tended to keep practical pieces of history- practical technology, etc. etc. so most things deemed of use as the area passed through various demographics and rulers likely survived in common use and scientific experimentation.
· 5 years ago
Many popular stories say that the library created a steam engine- or even more advanced technologies. Recorded history places the steam engine invention in 1698. The first steam train wasn’t made until the 1800’s. When a technology is invented isn’t as important as when it becomes feasible and useful. If you went back in time and gave an ancient engineer and iPhone or a jet engine- it may not jump start history the way you think. How would they charge an iPhone before electricity? How would they understand how it works at all? The microscopes of the day wouldn’t even allow a glimpse at what the electronics really look like such as microprocessors. What about the materials technology to make any of it? The infrastructure to run it on? What about need?
· 5 years ago
Early “smart phones” were out in the 90’s but the average person not only had trouble dealing with them- but there wasn’t much use for them except in the most specialized cases. The internet wasn’t what it is and there wasn’t this huge ecosystem. You had a phone... it could... email? That was about it.
· 5 years ago
We can say what would happen if we play the what if game. It’s just very unlikely the supposed destruction(s?) of the library of Alexandria set humanity back thousands of years.
· 5 years ago
'And it ended true civilization too. Now we have modern ape-men running around the internet and Florida'
· 5 years ago
Don't let this distract you from the fact that this is posted on p*rnhub
· 5 years ago
Pretty much like three years of Trump...