I spend my Friday nights staying up late and watching YouTube videos
· 5 years ago
When Gandalf confronts the Balrog on the bridge of Khazad-dûm, and he says: I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn.
Gandalf is making three very specific references as both warning and challenge to the Balrog.
By identifying himself as a servant of the Secret Fire (or Flame imperishable), Gandalf is identifying himself as a Maia, an embodied angelic servant of the Valar protecting the light of Creation that Eru Ilúvatar (or God) has set to burn at the center of Arda (Earth).
Wielder of the flame of Anor is a reference to his ability to draw on the power of the sun possibly through the Ring of Fire Narya but maybe also through his own divine origins.
· 5 years ago
Finally as he refers to the Balrog as the Flame of Udûn, he informs the Balrog that he knows it to be a corrupted Maia in the service of Morgoth from the earliest time when he resided as Melkor in his dark fortress of Utumno broken by the Valar at the awakening of the Elves. He orders it to retreat (go back to the shadows) or face the consequences of divine conflict and final judgement before the Vala Mandos, the fate of all slain creatures
· 5 years ago
Fun facts from reading the Silmarillion and doing some research
Gandalf is making three very specific references as both warning and challenge to the Balrog.
By identifying himself as a servant of the Secret Fire (or Flame imperishable), Gandalf is identifying himself as a Maia, an embodied angelic servant of the Valar protecting the light of Creation that Eru Ilúvatar (or God) has set to burn at the center of Arda (Earth).
Wielder of the flame of Anor is a reference to his ability to draw on the power of the sun possibly through the Ring of Fire Narya but maybe also through his own divine origins.