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· 5 years ago
Well in fairness there were far fewer teens and tweens speaking before the UN and global leaders at that time too. It seems that as a society, older generations have shifted the things kids have to worry about from “sock hops” or buying a fist car and getting a license, to wether they are sexy enough to have a good place in society and get what they want- to trying to figure out how to keep the planet from killing them before they are 70.
· 5 years ago
I don’t know why you got downvotes for what you said. She did take it on herself- she had to. It’s her planet. People like me will be dead long before we are forced to live in world where the things we take for granted are scarce luxuries. We have no personal incentive beyond morality to do anything for a future we won’t ever see- good or bad. My generation grew up under threat of constant war. If “adults” did something stupid we would all likely die. This generation lives under the threat of a dying planet- that if we don’t do anything- if we keep doing what we are doing- they won’t have a future- or their kids won’t.
· 5 years ago
They see the abuses of the system and the wrongs of the world that to us- are just normal- just how things are- and to someone who is “outside looking in” it’s all so idiotic and pointless. So they want change- they want a world that makes sense and isn’t the one we are building- and they should get that because- they’ll be the ones who have to live in the world we made after we are dead.
· 5 years ago
The title ruins the meme.