My dog does this, when I get depressed or anxious and she sees me crying she'll run over wagging her tail crying also becuase I'm sad, and she'll run around all crazy cheering me up.
My new cat and one of her kittens also does this, I was crying in my room the other day and she started purring and rubbing on me along with one of her kittens (which is mine that I am keeping.) after I stopped holding him and crying. If only humanity could be raised right and have the care and love like animals do.
Okay, this is crazy, but I went on your FunSubstance profile and stalked you. Even though you're not the real Robert Downey Jr. I'm not sure why the heck I'm doing this.
Even my horse knows when i'm sad, and trying to cheer me up with giving me a gently push with her head all the time.... which usually gets annoying or makes me laugh, so I can't really be sad near her. It's really amazing!
This actually made me cry evaluate when I was little we had a cat named Happy and whenever you would cry or just be upset she would bolt to where ever you are and just sit there and cuddle then one day she just ran away for no reason and hasn't come back for 5 years
My new cat and one of her kittens also does this, I was crying in my room the other day and she started purring and rubbing on me along with one of her kittens (which is mine that I am keeping.) after I stopped holding him and crying. If only humanity could be raised right and have the care and love like animals do.
At least he's concerned