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· 5 years ago
It’s true- but to be fair- a lot of the time you do get people asking questions that “buy a phone” is the answer. Especially when someone says “yeah- I want this thing to cost 100x less than the one you’d buy, do the same exact things and be as good...” and you say “well... you can do XYZ. It’s near your budget but it won’t be as good...” then they refuse it because no. It has to be as good. Well guy... that’s why the thing you want is expensive.
· 5 years ago
You can suggest they build their own- but often the “helpless help forum user” is... helpless. I used to try to explain things to people I met who’d ask me really crazy “I want to build the best most expensive thing ever but obviously have no idea anything about the subject...” it usually did more harm than good. I just started telling them “you can’t do that.” They’d say “but so and so did...” and I say “yeah. They can. The fact you are asking these questions means YOU can’t. Not yet.” Those people need to either give up and not waste their (and others) time or money- or go learn more. If it is y worth your time to you to learn about the thing you want- why is it worth mine to literally do it for you? You don’t want to pay someone to do it because it’s too much, you don’t want to learn it yourself because it’s too much work, but you want me to do what someone else charges money for... for free... because you are lazy?
· 5 years ago
To be clear- I’m talking about people who ask questions that are so VERY obviously oblivious that they are unlikely to even understand the answers. I’ve seen it happen enough. Even simple stuff. A lot of times the experience needed to complete what sounds like simple steps, or deal with problems that can come up, or make judgment calls that will come up- if you’re asking the question you don’t have it. Even pros tend not to work as superuser if they can help it, and almost anyone who can put a Merlin engine into a Honda isn’t going to ask “how do I put this crazy engine in my car...” because they know the answer is complex and depends on a shit ton of variables.
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· 5 years ago
The guy who asks you “hey, I’m putting this crazy engine in my car and my ignition is showing break up and here is all the relevant data...” or the guy that says “I’ve built this Frankenstein PC out of old military satellites and have edited my bios and am getting this specific error- here is my code, can you help?” That’s likely someone who is trying something ambitious but can stretch a little to be able to do it. The guy who says “hey guys, I want to weld Titanium and male aircraft quality welds but I don’t know how to weld or have a welder- and the stuff to weld titanium is expensive and I don’t want to buy a welder. How can I make something for under $50? Also- I don’t have any access to anything to use to build it like tanks..” what can you tell the guy?
· 5 years ago
Pay someone to do it, go buy a welder and learn to weld, or learn a lot- because if I could do what you’re asking for $50... do you think I’d be giving it away online or do you think I’d be rich because I can make a way to do quality titanium welds for $50?
· 5 years ago
OH! And of you post a help question- get a working answer of figure it out- and don’t post WHAT the answer was... shame on you.