But what if she was getting bullied? What if her parents got divorced? What if her parents abuse her? What if she has no friends? What if she has a disabillity and everyone is mean to her? You can't just go and judge someone like that.
Yes. That was tragic. But still it's not right to call people bad names. I agree that the holocaust was horrible and was bad. But I hate this post because it's kinda like bullying in some way. Sorry this comment is so long. I explain stuff too much
Okay yes I agree with your first comment. But most the time it's people who just bitch about their life because they don't have the latest iPhone. For example, your statement : 'you guys don't know what it's like to have people thumb down your comments' is kind of pathetic. People are suffering every day with what ever they are going through and here you go crying about someone thumbing down your comment? It's situations like that I think get people mad.
This generation is also the most aware and open generation as well. People can now recognize and talk about things like depression and social problems with relative ease. We're not the weakest generation; we just talk about our problems instead of trying to deal with them alone.
EDIT: I'm not saying that we don't have it easy, just that we talk about our problems more.
This comment is gonna get so many dislikes probably. I know the holocaust was really bad, but people's problems are still bad. I've got a friend who's mother is in jail. His dad pretty much disowned him. His grandmother is a jerk to him. His sister left. Friend committed suicide. People are absolute assholes to him. Being upset over that is weak?
· 11 years ago
I agree with you. Let's get the least liked comments together. People just don't know what people go through. It's wrong to judge someone on a website when you don't know what they're going through
Can I jump on this least-liked bandwagon? A lack of empathy is what allows humans to do horrible things and hurt others. Problems don't make a generation weak, ignorance and intolerance do.
Nope. This comment will get the dislikes. Everyone goes through different things. Some people have it worse than other. You can't really call every person that has problems a "whiny little bitch" because what if that person has no parents or alcoholic parents or abusive parents or is being bullied by his/her peers or has no friends or is cutting or thinking about committing suicide or really anything? There is so much a person might be going through. Some of these kids are afraid to ask for help because they see the kids who are trying being called "attention whores" and whiny and its not fair. It sucks. Plus, it's also not fair to compare being depressed and the Holocoust. The Holocoust was one of the worse events in history. Anything you compare to it doesn't seem bad at all.....
· 11 years ago
Yep. Some kids may not even have parents. Some of them may have a disabillity that limits their lifespan. Some of them get bullied everyday. Some of them are thinking about commiting scuicide. Some of them have divorced parents.
I'm one of those people.. I'm not sure whether or not my parents are divorce, despite the fact that they live separately, but because they were never married... Also, I have a little rough time at school, sometimes called a bit fat, nerdy (I don't see how...) and other things. And I've been played with many times, and one day I just couldn't take it. I wanted to cut myself from time to time. And guess what? I eventually sorta did. I'm not proud of it, and I think I stopped with the help of my friends. But even now, I think of suiciding everytime as an option anywhere I go. You can't say they're 'Ok' when they're definitely not. The holocaust is just as bad as our problems today like bullying and such
Listen, the Holocaust was fucking awful, I get it, and I know it was horrid. But people need to understand that those hateful words you call people 'Emo' 'fag' 'pussy' etc. could be the reason they are hurting themselves, or, killing themselves.
Teen suicide is higher than ever before, this generation isn't 'weak', they simply need help, some one to reach out to them.
Down vote this comment to Hell if you want, but, this needs to be known. I know becuase I suffer from depression, I have almost attempted. And I have a friend who has. Think before you speak.
Honestly. You can't judge a person by their circumstances. If someone has a high paying job and a good family, they can still be depressed, and that in itself is horrible. If you are going to start saying " oh, they can't have self- esteem issues because no one is trying to kill them", you sound like a judgmental dick. If someone is depressed, at least count that as something they have to deal with and not just a result of their circumstances. And the depressing part is that because of attitudes like this, instead of seeking help, people start wishing for deaths similar to those of the kids in the holocaust.
I think the post was aimed at melodramatic teenagers who make big deals out of very petty things. The people who you are all talking about, the members of our generation that have actually suffered are very unlikely in my experience to put something like this up on fb
" actions have reactions... don't be quick to judge... you may not know the hardships people don't speak of... it's best to step back and observe with cooth for we all must meet our moment of truth". I got bullied in school but at the time it was considered your own fault if you were different. I will say dwelling on it doesn't help. So yes toughen up because it gets better. Average life span is 80 years now. In your 20's you are only 1/4th done.
everybody is arguing in the comments about the purpose of this post and shit like that and all i can think is "hey, i know who drew that, she's a great at drawing"
Maybe there is hope for the future generations. With this many self-loathing people reproducing; the future will refuse to repeat this era. (sarcasm/seriousness mixed)
Although I agree with everyone that says that they shouldn't be insulted these people should talk to a counsellor not type things on Facebook and when people ask what's wrong be like "you wouldn't understand" I'm probably going to get thumbs down for this
FINALLY!!! Someone doesnt just say "oh poor thing. I cant imagine what she's going through" I get it might be bad stuff but at the same time EVERY GIRL IS LIKE THIS. Im not being rude but I do feel sorry if its bullying or whatever. But they should be telling a parent or an older individual they trust and know. Not the internet, nobody gives a crap on the internet. And Scene.
I have LOTS more to say. This post shouldn't have 607 likes. This is the meanest post ever on Funsubstance. This is not Bullysubstance or Insultsubstance. If you're going to treat this website like that, then it shouldn't even exist. You should never call someone who's going through hardships a whiny bitch. This generation has the highest teen scuicidal rates and you guys don't even try to help them. You guys just tell or call them to get over it by yourself, or you call them attention seekers. It's probally the generation x that's wrong. You can't bottle up your emotions and not tell anyone about it. You can't get through it by yourself. You need someone to help. Bottling up your emotions just make it worse.
ACTUALLY this generation has such a high teen suicidal rate because theres "new" things to get you depressed like your parents taking your damn iphone wich apparently is SOOO important to most teens. we call them whiny bitches because if youre getting bullied whining will not make it better. just fucking fight back. if your crush doesnt like you back calm your damn tits, youre a teenager. if you feel fat nothing is stopping you from excersizing. if you REALLY have a mental disorder go to a damn therapist, not facebook.
and actually bottling up emotions is still better than whining in public because people wont bully you if you dont show them that it hurts.
· 11 years ago
Apparently we have diffrent thoughts about bullying and telling your friends. My veiw is that we have new and more advanced technology, so we talk about are feelings more. You think that people shouldn't tell a living soul about their emotions. If you keep your emotions in for so long, it will get to a point to where you just explode with emotion and you get more depressed. There are alot of people on the internet that care. On instagram there's this amazing anti-bullying account called hatingonhate. People should actually start helping people instead of calling them whiny bitches.
obviously we do. i have a question: how do YOU define bullying?
· 11 years ago
People calling someone with a disabillity or someone that they envy bad names. Also, calling them bad names on the internet. Bullying can be either name calling, punching, threatining, physicial damage to the body done by others, and so much more. Calling someone a whiny bitch or calling them attention whores is actually cyberbullying. Putting labels on someone is also a form of bullying
okay so if i walk up to you and repeatedly call you poopface its bullying? no, because chances are it wont really hurt you if anything it might annoy you a little. thats what i mean by "it isnt bullying if it doesnt hurt you" thats why bottling up emotions is better
· 11 years ago
But then if you do bottle up your emotions, more emotions will form, and new emotions will be added to the bottle. Sooner or later, the bottle won't hold your emotions, then you just explode in sadness and tears. Sometimes if you do bottle up your emotions you can self harm or kill yourself. You need to let them all out, or you could get more depressed. I know because I tried to bottle up my emotions, and it ended up exploding all over the place.
well ive been "adding emotions to the bottle" -as you call it- for three years and im completely fucking fine with it. youre just being overly sensitive. i used to get bullied for not exactly being the prettiest girl and a satanist and you know what i did? not bitch about it, but fight back.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I'm too sensitive because I have a disabillity. I've been bullied all my life because I'm not normal. Everyday I wish I was normal. I'm in choir, and the popular girls in there allways mock my voice by singing really low. In 8th grade people said I sound like a fucking homless man. A guy in my class said he was going to bully me in high school. I'm so terrified about going into the 9th grade, because I know I won't fit in. I'm not a whiny bitch. I'm not an attention whore. I'm not lying. I'm not making this up. I'm me.
okay you may really have problems and if i could id help you but i still think most people that post this kind of shit on facebook are just attention whores.
btw (you dont have to answer) what do you mean when you say 'disabillity'
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
They're only attention whores if you look at all the other pictures amd they have duckfaces and too much makeup on. That's my opinion
yeah thats the worst kind of attention seeker. there used to be this girl in my school that would draw fake cuts on her arm and say she was going to kill herself every other day. thats why im so skeptical when people say theyre depressed and suicidal
Uh, chances are a lot of bullying won't actually hurt people. That doesn't mean it isn't bullying. Bullying isn't just bullying if they kill themselves or develop depression. It's bullying no matter what, and you NEVER know how it will effect someone. Yes, some people are able to handle more than others. The fact is, somewhere out there there is a man who could take a bullet and just keep walking (depending on where it was). But I bet none of you could.
There was a man who was very upset bcz he did not have enough money to even buy shoes for himself. He cursed his fate every day! He complained to God & everything to show he was upset. One day he came out if his house & saw a man who did not have feet and was moving with a wheel chair. He started crying when he saw this & thanked God for what he had.
MORAL: No matter in how bad condition you are someone is suffering from worse.
look at our world now. the bombing of boston. 9/11. teens doing drugs and having sex at age 16. people like that telling people to kill themselves. they really have the nerve to tell somebody that because they have life problems and are truly feeling broken? the person who said this is part of our terrible generation and telling others this stuff isn't going to make it better.
Alright I feel like I need to put my two cents in. I had a friend who had a tough life. Her dad left her at an early age, she battled with depression and some other pretty harsh stuff. But instead of asking for help from her best friends or reaching out and talking about it, she became a COMPLETE bully. She would write things like this nasty post on people's twitters, facebooks, and every other social media outlet you can think of. Her social life turned down hill (up hill if you asked her). She literally sleeps with every guys she meets, smokes, and probably does a lot of other things. My point is that from what I know about that friend, I can bet that the person who wrote this terrible post is hurting. And I find that quite ironic. Thanks!
This post makes me so mad. That person is probably thinking about suicide and you go and say that? People really can be ignorant sometimes. Sure, the holocaust was really bad, but so is what this person is going through. You guys really have no idea.
no but ive had problems myself and i know many other people who used to have even worse problems than me and you can ask every one of them and they will tell you excatly what i said
Well to be honest your friends or whoever you know might have problems but just because they dealt with theirs and because theirs aren't that bad doesn't mean that no one has bad problems :/
You don't know anyone else's lives. The kids in the Holocaust probably would love to be in her position, but that doesn't mean she has a fucking picnic. And who cares if it's just someone bitching? They could have an actual problem, and they complain about something that isn't important because they don't feel like they can share what the real problem is. For years, my grandfather sexually abused me, but every day I would complain about how my friends didn't answer my texts or how I lost my phone or got grounded. Because even though my grandpa did horrible, horrible things that sometimes made me want to end my life, I still felt I owed him something, because he was family. I finally told, but only because I realized that he was doing the same thing to my little sister. Even now, most of my friends don't know. I was severely depressed, and if people would have treated me like that, rather than giving me the SUPPORT I needed, I wouldn't have made it.
This is awful what this person is saying. You don't know what that girls life is like. Maybe it's worse than the holocaust. So shut up you don't know what your talking about. She might be broken.
yeah I know. I'M bullied too. I can't go outside without getting scissors nailed at me. what that guy said was bad, he shouldnt have done that.so don't complain to me that I'm bullying
Ok I'm just gonna say what I need to say about all these comments some people have horrible lives yes I have a friend who was really messed up mentally and she didn't tell anyone and it got really bad but don't keep things bottled up it makes things worse i would know get help before it turns into something severe. And xprincesszelda it doesn't need to be severe to not be considered "whiny" and you don't need to suck it up and yes the holocaust was terrible but you can't just compare things to it and make it seem like its all good. No it doesn't work like that now me i have like 3 friends and the rest of them don't treat me very well I'm called fat even though I'm not I'm emotionally and physically bullied and I have depression and social anxiety and my parents didbt even help me even after I asked them for help so everyone's story is different you can't just compare it to something worse and Make it seem ok like my parents did and sorry for the long comment
We all need to stop calling people names... We all go through bad things and I know that the holocaust was really bad but we're all different... We think something is worse than others because we all think differently... Now don't get me wrong, the holocaust was a lot worse than being called names but we should all show some respect because we all deal with problems differently... Yeah... Just giving in my 2 cents
I've read a lot of the comments (not all because there's over 100), and people seem to be repeating themselves or others. All these arguments valid and invalid aspects. There are attention whores, and believe me they're stupid, no question. But they're also indirectly causing a heap of deaths and harm. People can normally automatically tell if someone is whining or their problems are fake, and so they are responded to in an appropriate manner. But people with real problems see these reactions too. They see the appropriate ones, but also those who are put into the stereotypical group of 'whiny bitches' when they're not. Knowing they have a high chance of being criticised, they shy away and 'bottle up' their emotions. A lot have the mentality that if no one knows, they won't be judged, and they won't be a burden to those that do care. As one commenter said: it's their problem, not anyone else's.
Continuing, a lot of harmers or depressed are highly aware of those in worse situations, making them feel guilty. Statements on social networking sites encourage breeding grounds for these emotions. Or say someone is surrounded by hardships. They may feel like a waste of space/air/food/water or anything someone is lacking. All this contributes to self hate. Those who aren't attention whores are usually the polar opposite, so selfless they would give up contentment, pleasure and sometimes even life for others. You don't need to have an emotional, mental, or physical disorder to feel worthless and depressed. Please note anyone reading this, that these aren't cold hard facts. There are exceptions to every rule. These are based on the experiences of me and those who I have discussed this topic with, and the commenters below. Times have changed majorly, for the better and the worse. I apologise for this late post, but that doesn't make it irrelevant.
I thought a long comment would be easier to do then saying a small bit on the other 100+ comments. I also find people who don't read long comments tend to be ruder and less sophisticated in answering, so if I have a long comment they're less likely to read it, IE less haters.
I've read a lot of the comments here, but I've got to say... if you ever see this kind of post, don't just go and say bad stuff about it. tons of people are leaving comments, saying that she might be beat up each day, she might have been a child abused kid. maybe her father went to war and didnt return? that picture might have meant a lot to that girl. it definetely wouldn't have been worse than the holocaust. but she might feel terrible and suicidal. that guy in the post probably is a spoiled, rich brat. I agree with all the long comments. they're right about the poor girl. some people might be bullied, abused etc. and don't tell anyone. they hide their scars. but c'mon, it's not a sin to say if you're bullied. I agree with you, some people can be whores if their problems aren't really that bad. but again, many heart- breaking and life scarring things could've been in her past.
Has anyone noticed that the comment in the picture ends with oxygen thieves? Does that mean the people who are having a rough or suicidal time in their lives should die? I have a friend who's stepfather abuses him, and even pulled a knife out on him once, and bullies him because he has a lazy eye and hearing aid on one side of his face. He acts SO happy and nice all the time, just like the girl portrayed in the picture, so the comment in the picture is saying he should die because he is sad and depressed? Is he a "pussy faggot" that nobody gives a shit about because he is being abused mentally and physically? This is one of the worst posts to get a like on funsubstance, its not funny just terrible.
· 11 years ago
I know this post has been 32 weeks ago, but I want to add on. The people that are saying "Suck it up and stop being a pussy" or "Stop being a whiny bitch", I'm pretty sure you guys have horrible lives (or great. Sorry, I can't tell from behind a screen) and I feel you. But, it doesn't make it better if you just tell someone who for example, heard their parents are getting divorced or had one of their beloved family members passed away, to tell them to "Stop being a whiny bitch" or "Omg grow up! That's nothing". If someone is having a rough day, just smile or be kind to them. Telling them any of the negative stuff I said in the examples is not helping them at all. You might think it is but you just made their day worse because of a few words. At the same time, it is a form of bullying and you might think otherwise, but if it hurts someone in an emotional or physical way, it's bullying. So please be nice to eachother on here and stop with the negative words
All these arguments about how nigger and cracker are offensive. Nobody talks about calling someone fat. To me, that would be so much more hurtful than being called nigger or cracker(I'm white, btw) like seriously?
You can say that I think what makes words mean is how you as an individual react/take it because words can bring you down its all about how you feel on the inside
ok since the pussies are getting the likes im gonna be the one getting all the dislikes but the dude is right you people are being little bitches. suck it up
Agreed. Sometimes you just have to build a bridge and get over it. No one wants to hear your problems, and it's better you keep them to yourself because that your problem, not someone else's. So I agree that we should all just suck it up and quit complaining.
It's people who say things like that and tell kids to 'suck it up' that are the reason this generation are broken and many of the people who need help can't speak out. This generation are more aware of things like mental illness and suicide ect ect and that's resulted in people talking out about them and if you can't handle their moaning about how they are in pain then just don't read it and stop moaning yourself. As a teenager who comes from a broken family who has to look after their mentally disabled parent and has suicidal friends and has felt suicidal in the past and has suffered with eatin disorders it really confused me as to why people tell this generation who are finally finding a way to speak up to shut up and take it when if they do that all it's going to result in is more pain just because you don't like the sound of this whiny/bitchy generation.
i've been suicidal myself and have several failed suicide attempts behind me and i managed to suck it up so unless you have a huge mental disorder you should too
Well maybe if you didn't bottle it up it could help? My dad who has paranoid schizophrenia, depression and other paranoid mental illnesses has been saved from the suicide that would have inevitably happened without family by talking and not bottling up and until you convince me that my dad being alive is a bad thing I won't be convinced that talking and letting it out is a bad thing. (From the person who wrote before)
of course your dad being alive is a good thing. im not heartless you know. and i dont need help because i dont have to bottle up anything anymore, i waited through my suicidal phases and they ended on their own because i dont have any (severe) mental illness like most "suicidal" and "depressed" teens
But how do you know the difference between someone with a 'severe' as you put it mental illness and a mental illness that isn't severe? The whole point in these kids being able to feel comfortable speaking out is so that they are stopped from developing even worse mental health. Obviously it's a good thing that you're better now but unfortunately many teens have other stuff going on and just mightn't be able to bottle it up any longer. (It's me again btw)
to me a severe mental illness is for example a constant depression not just for a few months. or really bad bipolarity. what i have for example cant really be called a severe illness. theres a difference between being really sad and having depression.
Who are you to tell other people to "suck it up" and "stop being a pussy". Someone doesn't have to have a really bad life in order to be depressed. Or a really bad mental disorder in order to earn the right to be sad.
What do you mean 'this argument was four weeks ago"? It's an ongoing issue because of people like you. You are the one who needs to get over yourself, thinking you have the authority or knowledge deciding who's got a severe illness or not.
EDIT: I'm not saying that we don't have it easy, just that we talk about our problems more.
You know how pretentious and uninformed that sounds, right?
Teen suicide is higher than ever before, this generation isn't 'weak', they simply need help, some one to reach out to them.
Down vote this comment to Hell if you want, but, this needs to be known. I know becuase I suffer from depression, I have almost attempted. And I have a friend who has. Think before you speak.
Everyone is agreeing
and actually bottling up emotions is still better than whining in public because people wont bully you if you dont show them that it hurts.
btw (you dont have to answer) what do you mean when you say 'disabillity'
MORAL: No matter in how bad condition you are someone is suffering from worse.