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· 4 years ago
Very clever Uhaul! Good for you
· 4 years ago
Fun fact: this is actually a super huge problem with no actual solution right now. As groups are not allowed to enter campuses due to distancing laws, allowing students to return to grab their items or allowing packing companies to show up and do it on their behalf is strictly illegal. This means nobody has any way to come back and get their belongings. I'm lucky, in that I was on campus when everything went down, but nearly everyone I know now has no way to reach at least half their belongings. Administrations are all trying their best but there is basically no good answer anyone can think of.
· 4 years ago
My school setup a system where everyone had to book a move out time, all the moving carts were left in the lobby with a little book to sign them out, and QR codes in the halls to tell the admins when you were moved out. It worked rather well, but the people in my dorm didn’t quite understand the “stay away from the lobby during this time” order so there were people milling about saying goodbye.
· 4 years ago
How did everyone get in for the day without all bunching together in one area? Because that actually sounds like a really good idea and I want to believe we could do it too
· 4 years ago
It happened over 2+ weeks. So, a good majority left before it was ever required and that brought down the number left to move out.