Women auction their "virginities." There is, of course, no way to tell if she IS a virgin.
Some women have done it independently and gotten enough to pay off their entire college tuitions. One model famously got 3.9 million iirc.
Of course, these are exceptions. Generally you'd probably be looking at a few thousand maybe I think was the statistic. There's actually entire websites dedicated to auctioning womens' virginities now.
I imagine men could also auction theirs, but I doubt they'd have anywhere near the success
Some women have done it independently and gotten enough to pay off their entire college tuitions. One model famously got 3.9 million iirc.
Of course, these are exceptions. Generally you'd probably be looking at a few thousand maybe I think was the statistic. There's actually entire websites dedicated to auctioning womens' virginities now.
I imagine men could also auction theirs, but I doubt they'd have anywhere near the success