Ah, yes. The infamous Que Que Que 17 comments
· 2 years ago
Okay but this is literally a lot of people on this website calling you a white supremacist.
I Wonder Which One of Them Did That to Him 9 comments
· 2 years ago
The water may not be making the frogs gay, but it sure is making them bitter and obsessive
I love my range friends 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Wasn't at least part of gun control originally meant to try and stop black people from having access to weapons?
Egg-Eating Snake Defensive Behavior [SnekSubstance] 2 comments
· 2 years ago
These snakes, to my knowledge, have no fangs. They are also non-venemous (if that wasn't apparent). They are not a constrictor species either
The way they defend themselves is [as seen in the video] by rubbing their scales against one another to produce the sound heard in the video, which is a mimicry of the MUCH deadlier saw-scaled viper
For comparison you can see a saw-scaled viper's display here:
Edited 2 years ago
The way they defend themselves is [as seen in the video] by rubbing their scales against one another to produce the sound heard in the video, which is a mimicry of the MUCH deadlier saw-scaled viper
For comparison you can see a saw-scaled viper's display here:
They're rounding the final turn 1 comments
Do the horns still beep? 3 comments
Do the horns still beep? 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Something something triggered amphibians, war in Ukraine, something something something
I wonder what the Key to this Stone-y problem might be 18 comments
· 2 years ago
If only Canada had some way of more efficiently exporting the gas and oil from out country.
Some problems are just unsolvable
Some problems are just unsolvable
Wearing a mask outside while riding a motorcycle without a helmet 11 comments
· 2 years ago
I think we can all agree there's some logic flaw going on here one way or the other
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
World War IV Will Be Fought With Predictive Text Games 57 comments
· 2 years ago
We're just gonna skip a few steps in the eugenics program and go right to the da ba de da ba dye
Potatoes! 4 comments
· 2 years ago
PSA: Adult men, do not approach random women and tell them they look like porn women in "daddy's secret magazines" unless you want to end up MeToo'd into oblivion.
Also probably not a good idea for adult women
Also probably not a good idea for adult women
Qunari 5 comments
· 2 years ago
The Qunari exist as a race in all 3 dragon age games. However, DA3 is the only one you can play as one so far.
And playing as one is the only way to encounter a female Qunari so far as well iirc.
There's a lore based reason for that mind you
And playing as one is the only way to encounter a female Qunari so far as well iirc.
There's a lore based reason for that mind you
Dodgey divorces 12 comments
no title for this one 4 comments
· 2 years ago
I wanna believe this person is joking but I've been around the internet long enough to be skeptical
Ruh roh 5 comments
Ruh roh 5 comments
Ah, victory 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Well after Neil young threatened to pull his music from Russian spotify there was no other choice for Putin, really