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· 4 years ago
Damn, I'm the top 4 though (Well, only #3 for the summer that is)
· 4 years ago
@hyperion you can keep it to yourself, I dont mind.
· 4 years ago
Imma remember that
· 4 years ago
I'll see if you can
· 4 years ago
We can quibble over the criteria, and age groups (at 20- regardless of sex, if you live with your parents- that’s not an eye brow raiser. At 30+, I would be curious- if it’s the real estate market or financial or 1,000 other reasons there’s nothing wrong with it. If it’s just they don’t want to have to clean their room, do laundry, or something like that- it’s a red flag for me since I don’t want to be a maid to someone I’d eventually plan to live with...)
· 4 years ago
But- overall, I support the message. We live in a world where a man is considered to have decent standards if his standards just require a woman who will agree to sex- And people honestly defend men who’s standards for sex don’t even require a woman agree to it. There’s so much dick that women consider dick to be spam at this point. Unwanted dick, excess dick. One of the hottest topics in America right now is how to deal with all the dicks you don’t want. Tone down the duck.
· 4 years ago
Make dick a treat, not a damn door prize. Work on your dick game. Your homework is that if your dick comes up in conversation or if it comes out of your pants- and you don’t get a “thank you” that you are failing at the dick game. If she doesn’t thank you for the dick- your dick game is weak. How many people tell the sun thank you every day? Not many. Because it’s always fucking there- even when it’s ruining shit. If the sun went away- if the sun only comes out once a month- people will be thankful for it. Ancient humans worshipped the fucking sun because they hadn’t figured out that it wasn’t just going to decide not to show up one day. They made sacrifices to it to get it to keep showing up. Who’s ever worshiped your dick besides you? Time down the dick- focus on quality interaction with a human being with shared values who’s company you enjoy. Bring out the dick only when it is dick time- and dick right. You will be thanked for your dick.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
And not all dudes will do this. And those dudes who are out there shilling dick like a sham wow will probably get more strange than you. But if you perfect your dick game- that’s exclusive dick- not Walmart dick. Quality women tire quickly of Walmart dick. They have more discerning tastes and want that name brand on label dick. Be patient. Let them experiment and figure out that the dudes with their dicks on display at the swap meet are all there because they have to swindle for the sale. Most will get sick of that game and want the top shelf stuff. They’ll want a quality dick and likely one attached to a quality person. So be that guy. And most women worth your time? They’ll choose a quality guy with an ok dick game over a total loser who rocks the D. Well... unless you’re young. Then be REALLY patient because younger guys and girls tend to be in it for the short term thrills most of all.