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· 4 years ago
Schools could certainly stand to be kinder and more considerate to mental health and well being. Heck- society could. There is a balancing point of course- where we have to be mindful of the health of students but also prepare them for a world that doesn’t really much care about how they feel most of the time as much as it cares for results- at least until those students can grow up and hopefully become the change that makes it easier for the next students and the next after and so on- and maybe that’s a good path to a “kinder” world.
· 4 years ago
That said though- yeah. Adults feel that way about work all the time. Except unlike most kids they don’t have a place to get away from career and life stress like bills and lay offs and such- since those things usually ARE the stress. Couple that with the fact that kids are not generally the most patient etc- and teens are... emotional... in general... and well- yeah. There’s gonna be some of that no matter what. As the saying goes: embrace the suck.