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· 4 years ago
Some people like to do that shit for fun. I write lore for campaigns I may never run because it was fun to do, like i did with my recent venture into writing some Dark Heresy/Deathwatch stuff.
· 4 years ago
Lots of people WILL work very hard for free. The world is full of passionate people. SOME people wouldn’t work if they didn’t have to- which... may not be as bad as many think- given that we have plenty of people doing jobs that arguably don’t need done or could be cheaper and better with machines- and of course- many people do jobs but do shitty work because they don’t want to be there.
· 4 years ago
Freeing up people of basic survival needs is more likely to open doors to advancement for society. Look at where we are today- where much of the developed world has come to a place where most people- even the homeless and jobless- don’t have to worry so much about surviving- just living. Yet- despite the record numbers of those who don’t do what society would call productive or sustenance work- we continue making advanced breakthroughs and raising the overall standard of living world wide.
· 4 years ago
The real issues with a “freer” society in terms of needs and money- aren’t so simplistic. One major challenge is- people who work because they feel like it, or because if a sense of duty- are I t as reliable as their emotions on the matter. You don’t HAVE to build the Minecraft city if you don’t feel like it- and nothing really bad will happen and no real impact is made if you take a day or a week or a month off.
· 4 years ago
That doesn’t work so well in the real world- where a local doctor deciding he does t feel like working packs it in, or a nuclear plant crew have had enough boring shift work and decide to cut out and bowl. Now you need laws that say who HAS TO work and when, how you HAVE TO hand off shifts or take time off- and for those laws to work- you need penalties- some force to make people comply who won’t- or a system to cover anyone anywhere anytime without much or any notice.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
And really- this is what isolationists and xenophobes and those who call for mono culture have been saying- it’s much easier to rely on “honor system” rules, make sweeping and general changes, and get people to get along... when those people share a vision and a goal and have structured measures in reaching it. There are some impressive mine craft and community projects out there- many or most have some mechanism to prevent or ban “trolls” and many have been destroyed by trolls- because there are people who just want to destroy and grief. Having a group of “the right kind of people” who share a goal is much smoother than a diverse world full of people with their own goals.
· 4 years ago
None of what has been mentioned here is "working for free", simply because people literally do nothing without getting their reward system triggered and/or avoiding negative consequences one way or the other. No matter what sort of charity work you do, or whether you're grinding for years in a game, there's always that carrot at the end of the stick in front of you, whether you realize it or not. I get it, usually the definition of "for free" is "without getting paid" but that's just another abstract concept we human are imposing on basic experiences and cross species systems we share with most animals.
· 4 years ago
I like you. Well said, and nice angle to point the lens at.