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· 4 years ago
It’s an old meme- but it checks out. Of course... can we really say that most anyone in Washington these days cares about the constitution and not just the pars they like... or suit their interests? The conduct of most Of those who’s fate was tied to the presidents winning concerning the impeachment was appalling. It was a political circus that was obviously about power and keeping it- and where they’d be after the fallout and the next election.
· 4 years ago
But if we are being honest- even if we REALLY want the guy impeached- even if you see him as a bafoon, an embarrassment, a shady character who has done and said things that are illegal or not fitting his office... the democratic politicians weren’t largely acting on a moral compass. They had to know they didn’t have solid enough ground to get the president ousted, that pointing at circumstantial evidence and third party testimony of accusations with snippets of proof that he did SOMETHING at least questionable- didn’t fit the bill.
· 4 years ago
It was all about power and media. If you’re “in” with the guy- you want to ride his wave. If you are not someone who is in his circle, even if you don’t oppose him- you’re gonna want to get him out because you aren’t on the inside and a change could put you on better ground.
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· 4 years ago
Lately- the GOP has forgotten how the constitution works when it comes to things like war, use of military and federal jurisdiction on states. They’ve forgotten that most of the constitution explicitly applies to ALL humans and not just US citizens- and outlines how HUMANS are to be treated in and by the United States.
· 4 years ago
But the Democrats... oh boy. I support SENSIBLE gun control. I support social reform, making sure the system is balanced for all types of people, inclusion, diversity- but the Democratic Party- at the top it seems anyway- seems to have forgotten that it doesn’t mater how “good” or “noble” your ideas are or who and how many people they benefit- you can’t just impose them upon the public because you and your pals have agreed it is “better.”
· 4 years ago
Both will accuse the other of abuse of the constitution or forgetting it- and both are not wrong- the parts that get in the way of what they want- largely they all don’t care about it. 2020 and the patriot act is still in effect. Mass spying on our citizens, illegal detainments.... and BOTH sides made that happen. It was popular and gave them power. Who cared about the constitution then?