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· 4 years ago
I remember on a Twitter post that he didn't care about black racists (as in black people who are racist, not people who racist to black people). Not to mention that this is a repost.
· 4 years ago
Not what he said at all. Context is key- he even clarified the statements several times and made a video- but the tweet is what people like to talk about. He posted something about a man who was murdered in cold blood by police- and said he hated racists. Someone else replied “no one likes racists.... My girlfriend said she hates white people so I broke up with her...” to which Boyega replied to the off topic to the murder of a man by police comment: “I am talking about White on Black racism... not some..” blah blah caused you a break up.
· 4 years ago
So he never said he didn’t care about black people being racist. He said the same thing BLM have been saying from the start- right now- the prevalent racism, the one that is most wide spread in the “western world” and has lingering roots from recent history- the one endangering the lost people to the most severity- is white on black racism.
· 4 years ago
So when a man is dying on the table and the doctor says: “GET ME A CRASH CART NOW!” And you say: “No one likes medical problems. We have a patient in 3C who also has a chest injury. They got hit by a softball and bruised a rib...” the doctor will likely say to you: “IM TALKING ABOUT THIS GUY WHO IS DYING- NOT 3C AND THEIR BRUISED RIBS!!!” That doesn’t mean the bruised ribs aren’t important or they don’t care- that means that a critical problem exists and diverting focus before it is solved to discuss a minor problem is not generally prudent.