Oh for crying out loud this is just supposed to say that the older you get, your heart (in relation to a child) becomes a little smaller. This is not about height. That's the joke..
speaking as a 5'10 13 yr old girl, you heart size or how nice you are has absolutely nothing to do with your size i've known people of all kinds, in all shapes and sizes, each with flaws and strong points, so don't say things like that.
I think it depends on which teenager you talk to. Some of the teenagers I know are the most caring people I've ever met. Some of them are mean, but I've never met a teenager as cruel as some of the adults I know. For the most part, even if they aren't nice, I think this generation's teenagers are more open minded about things, which is part of being understanding and having a big heart. Pretty much everyone in my high school knows I'm a lesbian and no one has ever said a bad thing about it, but when I told the adults in my own FAMILY, I was told to get help because I had a sickness. I live in a very religious area, and my high school in particular over 70% of the kids are some kind of Christian, at least half are the same religion as my family... It's just an example, but in my opinion, even this generation's teenagers have bigger hearts than most adults.
Whoever posted is is an ass hole "LONG LIVE TALL PEOPLE" not saying that short people are bad but tall people are people and a short people
E can be bad and good and tall people can be bad and good
E can be bad and good and tall people can be bad and good