That is sort of the problem isn’t it? While the prequel trilogy has experienced a recent warming to it- it was not well received by fans or general audiences at large. And the general consensus seems to be that Disney can’t make a good Star Wars main trilogy- and that Lucas can’t- so who is there? Unless Jeff Bezos buys Star Wars- there aren’t a lot of deep blue sci fi fans with the cash to take the IP- and who’s going to helm it? Let’s not forget that the original trilogy was basically an accident- a happy accident- but less a measured work of genius and more a passion project that had skilled people and some luck. So what’s the formula to capture lightening in a bottle when you don’t really know how you did it the first time except in hind sight?
We can’t really “up the stakes” as the stakes have already been the fate of the universe, an entire civilization, and even the very souls of the main characters. We can’t really up the scale- unless we want to get ridiculous. How much more grand does it get than galaxy spanning military and a death laser the size of a moon that blows up planets? The original trilogy recycled the planet killing laser twice- and we got it again in the new trilogy. We’ve seen the Jedi order fight a war at least 2 times- 3 if we count the Clone wars franchise on its own. We’ve seen “Solo” and we have seen Mandalorians, the Ewoks got their own (not well regarded) screen time. We could go back to the old republic. That is relatively safe.
But as for carrying the story forward I’m afraid that may just not be possible. As far as seeing our favorites from the original films go on adventures- that ship may have sailed- and asides perhaps the adventures of a young rebel Leia- I don’t know what there is to see worth seeing from the original group except that which would break continuity, require re casting classic characters (mixed results on that with Solo...), be overshadowed by the ending we all know is coming and many found less than satisfying- or some combo of the three.
So old republic is pretty safe. With “legends” and all that- cannon is up for re writing and it would be hard to really break the core cannon works with events thousands or hundreds of years before. But that still leaves Disney with executive say so- or Lucas- which both have their potential put falls- and it leaves us needing someone with not just the vision and understanding of the series and the fans to pull it off- but someone who also has the clout or back bone to fight the execs to keep on target. Most people aren’t going to get the Star Wars films they want to see- some might be very happy and some very upset- or everyone may feel somewhat disappointed, but it’s unlikely they’ll please everyone.