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· 4 years ago
I love you, firefox
· 4 years ago
It’s killing all the buffalo but digital. Storage increases so devs say: “there’s no need for my code to be concise and clean as a whistle. They have a whole gig of space!” Then 64, and 1TB and so on. But your computer runs many programs and processes and most of them were made on the philosophy that you have plenty of memory or ram or bandwidth. It doesn’t help that companies devalued coders who wrote tight and resilient programs as they tend to cost more for their skills than just any old toot that went to “coding camp.” And user and industry demands on UI and such out the nail in the coffin. Old style systems like the IBM AS-400/I-series weren’t pretty but they were fast, reliable, and could run on a potato. But putting shadows on icons and having cool fade effects tickles folks- and a modern machine can handle it... you have so much resources you won’t miss a little performance from this tiny UI tweak....