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· 4 years ago
Irony- we live in a society that is so relatively safe that people feel entitled to it. People walk against red lights or into traffic and say: “they’ll stop for me..” and they bait and grill because they know the odds of getting punched in the face are- most of the time slim. A government and legal system stands behind you and most people aren’t willing to pay the consequences to call someone out like that. Often the very behavior that folks like this would be disgusted by...
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
And yet- “tough guys” seem to forget that throwing down words like “come and take it” really only dissuades people who weren’t going to come take it anyway. It’s bravado. When you say “come and take it” and you don’t have anything to actually back up your tough talk- and they DO come and take it- well... what then? In the vernacular of my youth, when I was a rougher sort who led a rougher life, that is called a “punk.”
· 4 years ago
The thing is, in my youth, we had less to lose (or felt like we did) than the other guy. The world is full of people like this, who your threats and bravado that seems so “hard” in civilized suburban or rural communities, means nothing to because one look at your loud mouth and moist ass shows that you’re a pop tart, soft inside and perfect for breakfast. Don’t puff your chest up outside the PTA or your buddies basement because you’re not as bad as you think you are. If you have a gun and can be counted on to use it- you probably aren’t advertising.