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· 4 years ago
Totalitarianism is appealing... when it is you and people “like you” who’s views are reflected, and so long as that never changes. But for everyone else and for people who change.... that’s a bad thing. That is why freedom is important, even for those we don’t agree with. A line must be drawn- for example a state so free that you are allowed to enslave others- take THEIR freedom- that doesn’t work as the freedom is self defeating. But those lines must be carefully drawn and only as absolutely necessary. This can be confounding to egalitarians and progressive liberals as it does slow progress towards change and create places for ignorance and hate to live- but at the end of the day no law can change how people feel or think- it can only force them into finding ways to hide or repress it when others are watching.
· 4 years ago
Laws that tell people they can’t hate are like laws that tell people they any murder. You can’t legislate away such savage impulses. You can’t drag a person kicking and screaming to enlightenment, and to take those deemed “unenlightened” and lock them away or dispose of them as “undesirables” is a chilling idea. The worst atrocities in recorded human history were done when progress, ideology, and a desire to “make the world better” were put ahead the value inherent to every human life regardless of how “worthy” one feels that person may be of it.