No one is born a racist - then and 10 years after
4 years ago by between0 · 300 Likes · 5 comments · Trending
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· 4 years ago
Hmmm.... yes. And no. No one is born “racist” because race is a construct we are taught or develop on our own. Somewhat like “no one is born a Marxist” of course not. Marxism is a construct- an idea made by humans and out of the realm of understanding of a newly born baby. “No one is born liking PlayStation...” well... yeah. A new born doesn’t know what a videogame is, let alone brands of games, let alone cares about the brand of a console.
· 4 years ago
Now, there are studies and evidence that show indications babies may display preference for certain types of people, people who most look like them. As said- a baby wouldn’t know what “race” is- but babies can exhibit bias. Babies will often for example, show a preference to family members over non family members, a mother over a father or vice versa; cry when held by strangers. So we can’t say that babies are born without bias. We also can’t say that babies don’t exhibit bias based on factors that we might identify with race.
· 4 years ago
The thing is- a degree of aversion to what is foreign or different to us IS something most humans are born with to some degree. It’s a primitive instinct that in SOME cases is actually helpful- but when it comes to people it can often be destructive and negative- like when it becomes racism. By being exposed to all sorts of people and customs- especially at an early age, we tend to learn to consider those things “normal” and not see them as strange or frightening or threatening.
· 4 years ago
By interacting with other humans and building positive experiences we create bridges. For many young children things like meeting a dog for the first time or riding a bicycle or going to the doctor or trying new foods can all be scary or things we want to avoid. But through repeated exposure and positive experience we learn those things aren’t scary or unpleasant. Sadly, a single negative experience can create trauma. Child bitten by a dog at a young age, or even who is frightened by a loud barking- can be averse to dogs the rest of their lives.
· 4 years ago
If a person is placed in an environment where they can move past that trauma- see it is an exception or a possibility but not the norm- get positive reinforcement and encouragement- often we can get past these biases and almost any traumas suffered. In an environment where that trauma is fostered, even embraced- the opposite can happen and it can grow into a deep hate even. So overall it’s true but perhaps misleading to say babies aren’t born racist. It is also perhaps less slogan worthy- but more constructive to realize bias is inherent to human thought. Understanding and dealing with bias are how we mitigate or prevent discrimination and hate based on being different.