I used to do that as a kid (either I'm not seing things right or his patella got out of its normal patella-place). You can also grab your foot or have someone do it and unfold your leg, that will do the trick.
But you should still see a doctor afterwards.
I hadn't realized it was a specific movie^^' I've already seen the lamp on the internet but not the movie.
Diys and crafts are always fun.
Here's a deal: I provide the leg, you get the shoe, stand, sock and "hat" of the lamp.
Then we cut it in halves.
But you should still see a doctor afterwards.
Well, anyways I can listen to your advice. Should I cut the whole leg?
But I'm keeping the leg. It's mine and I will eat it myself.
Diys and crafts are always fun.
Here's a deal: I provide the leg, you get the shoe, stand, sock and "hat" of the lamp.
Then we cut it in halves.