If this is the incident that I’m thinking of, the mother of the man who died robbing the store was lamenting on the news that the employee that defending himself and his fellow employees should be thrown in jail for killing her son.
Another couple things I’ll point out about it is that they attempted the robbery while the store was closed, the man that died used to work there and had recently been fired, and her main reasoning for why the employee should be charged is that is that “a man who breaks the law should face a judge and go to jail not be put underground.” Idk if it was her or the news outlet that pushed the next point but it was “an employee has been charged with a crime for self defense in that state before.” The example they cited to prove that was a felon employee being charged with illegal possession of a firearm as a felon, not the actual act of defending himself which he wasn’t charged for, just having the gun in the first place.
Another couple things I’ll point out about it is that they attempted the robbery while the store was closed, the man that died used to work there and had recently been fired, and her main reasoning for why the employee should be charged is that is that “a man who breaks the law should face a judge and go to jail not be put underground.” Idk if it was her or the news outlet that pushed the next point but it was “an employee has been charged with a crime for self defense in that state before.” The example they cited to prove that was a felon employee being charged with illegal possession of a firearm as a felon, not the actual act of defending himself which he wasn’t charged for, just having the gun in the first place.