I literally had an argument with a friend of mine on Light Saber vs Elder Wand. She kept using excuses like Jedi mind tricks to take away my wand.
I, however said, "with a wand, you can kill from afar. You can't do that with a light saber."
· 11 years ago
To wield a light saber means you're a Jedi knight. And Jedi knights use the force. And darth vader aka anakin skywalker is a Jedi knight. THEREFORE we can conclude that wielding a light saber(with proper training) will grant you the ability to choke the shit out of people FAR away using the force. STAR WARS FOR LIFE!!!
If it was a fight between a common man with a light saber and a common man with an elder wand, no shit the man with the light saber would win. You have to have years of training to use the elder wand efficiently, true it does take years to master the light saber, but in a fight all u have to do is stab the other guy, not much training needed. If it was a fight between a Jedi Knight and a highly trained wizard with an elder Wand, it would be much more complicated
Well if all there is to a light saber is stabbing, then shouldn't a wand win? Like I said, you can use the killing curse accurately from a distance. All it takes is a "flick and swish"
If you read Harry Potter, the forbidden curses take a certain type of mind set to work. A untrained man with an elder wand couldn't do it. Harry himself couldn't so the torture spell, so how could some random man use the kill spell?
Using logic, I choose the sonic screwdriver.
The lightsaber can only work to its rightful owner, and I'm guessing I just took this from somewhere, so it's essentially just a metal stick.
The Elder Wand only works the same way as the light saber, and in fact kills Voldemort as he tries to wield it against his owner (Harry Potter). Also, I'd get my throat slit while I was sleeping.
The sonic screwdriver is the only one that I could control, and comes without the risk of immediate accidental dismemberment and/or death.
I, however said, "with a wand, you can kill from afar. You can't do that with a light saber."
Wait I know!!!!!I would choose the elder wand,make a tardis,go back in time and steal the other two!!!!
Using logic, I choose the sonic screwdriver.
The lightsaber can only work to its rightful owner, and I'm guessing I just took this from somewhere, so it's essentially just a metal stick.
The Elder Wand only works the same way as the light saber, and in fact kills Voldemort as he tries to wield it against his owner (Harry Potter). Also, I'd get my throat slit while I was sleeping.
The sonic screwdriver is the only one that I could control, and comes without the risk of immediate accidental dismemberment and/or death.