Says the police and army fanboi. When's the last time I saw a punk in a uniform? Ah, I remember: it was never. Pretty much like I never saw a posting of you directed at me without some far-fetched strawmannery. Guess your next move will be calling me a pedo. Honk Honk.
I'm not a fanboi. I just support them for as far as they're holding to the Constitution and trying to help people. But I don't expect someone like you to understand nuance. The self-proclaimed anti-fascist, demanding people comply with government takeover of their very bodies.
When I said I'd be blasting Hendrix while "trading fire with quarantine enforcers", who do you think the camp guards would be? The same people who guarded the camps the last times Democrats wanted to lock up people for no good reason in the US.
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
Still playing the strawman card. All I've ever been expecting from anyone is a wee bit of solidarity and an even tinier wee bit of common sense. Too much to expect from you, got it. Go and "trade fire"with whoever you want, but if there's one thing clear, it's your punk level: a solid zero.
Solidarity? I wore my mask for a year. Common sense? I wash my hands, and I don't lick windows. Nor do I allow experiential cocktails that don't even work in my body, especially under threat of force.
But yeah, I'm gonna listen to other people telling me how to conform or non-conform. Uh-huh, I'm sure.
· 3 years ago
So how was your time in the forces then? Been in stockade much?
Nah, I was too good of a medic for that. I got a couple of bad junior officers in trouble though, and some NCOs who were doing the wrong thing never wanted me on their teams. But their soldiers loved that I would do field training, loved that I wanted to learn their jobs, loved when I would drive out into El Paso at 2 AM on a Monday to pick them up from the bars. And they really loved when I would assume control of and shut down events if the leadership couldn't satisfy basic medical, hydration, and nutritional standards.
I was a good soldier. I am a good man. And I'll be goddamned before I let myself or anyone around me get hurt or be in danger without a very good reason.
Here's a tip. "Because it's the law" or "Because you were told to" ain't good reasons.
When you hold life and death in your hands, you hold on tight. Every soldier, every man, needs to draw a line somewhere and mean it when they say "Not one step further".
· 3 years ago
Maybe you were a good soldier. As if I could tell. Maybe you're a good man. Your mother is pretty positive about that I guess. But you're not punk at all. All I'm saying.
Why is it that with every follow-up posting you make, the pathetic marching band music in the background is getting ever louder?
Comply a bit harder. That'll stick it to the man!
As for the music... maybe I take up so much room in your head that you've made a whole soundtrack for me? I guarantee it doesn't have enough bass heavy instrumentals.
The bass has to be heavy, my ears aren't what they used to be, and it helps with the tinnitus.
· 3 years ago
Ah, the rare and eloquent "I take up so much room in your head"-routine. Wicked.
When I said I'd be blasting Hendrix while "trading fire with quarantine enforcers", who do you think the camp guards would be? The same people who guarded the camps the last times Democrats wanted to lock up people for no good reason in the US.
But yeah, I'm gonna listen to other people telling me how to conform or non-conform. Uh-huh, I'm sure.
I was a good soldier. I am a good man. And I'll be goddamned before I let myself or anyone around me get hurt or be in danger without a very good reason.
When you hold life and death in your hands, you hold on tight. Every soldier, every man, needs to draw a line somewhere and mean it when they say "Not one step further".
Why is it that with every follow-up posting you make, the pathetic marching band music in the background is getting ever louder?
As for the music... maybe I take up so much room in your head that you've made a whole soundtrack for me? I guarantee it doesn't have enough bass heavy instrumentals.
The bass has to be heavy, my ears aren't what they used to be, and it helps with the tinnitus.