as hot as she is i would never want to be within a mile of her.... she's in the contest for biggest bitch in the galaxy. Maybe elon can build her a personal spaceship and send her off to like... pluto.
· 2 years ago
Yes, you should still believe all women when they accuse someone of brutality, simply because every study finds that the number of false accusations by women is super small. You should not convict the accused without further proof though. Which does not happen anyway. You should seek for evidence proving the accused is innocent, you should listen to what they have to say. One does not exclude the other.
A certain type of men will use the Heard/Depp case to downright negate all women accusing men for whatever for eternity. They should be grateful to her.
A certain type of men will use the Heard/Depp case to downright negate all women accusing men for whatever for eternity. They should be grateful to her.