i earned my stretch marks the summer i spent playing a ps1... and it was worth it. Crash Bandicoot, FF7. playin nascar in inverse and fucking up my pops and my bros for zero reason, tekken just to be a dick to everyone (i was, this was back in my early king/yoshimitsu days.. after swimming in the ocean and realizing between sharks and jellyfish, bad idea... yes i'vee been pee'd on... not fun, was on my arm which was sunburnt after. I'd rather feed a turtle to a shark and escape
Grolak: So, some humans organize themselves into a fantastically loyal one-direction symbiotes, and they become happier or sadder depending on the results of a game of skill.
Blorgdork: Yeah, we know. They paid to attend the same educational institute, and their loyalty is placed there.
Grolak: No...not even. For some reason, people who were never even *in* the city which is the home to that "university" adopt that characteristic. Have you used the viewer to observe the Indiana group participate in the game of bouncing-sphere-in-net? Or the Notre Dame squadron participate in the running-and-kicking-oval-ball activity?
Blorgdork: Yeah, we know. They paid to attend the same educational institute, and their loyalty is placed there.
Grolak: No...not even. For some reason, people who were never even *in* the city which is the home to that "university" adopt that characteristic. Have you used the viewer to observe the Indiana group participate in the game of bouncing-sphere-in-net? Or the Notre Dame squadron participate in the running-and-kicking-oval-ball activity?