Don't talk to strangers. They'll tell you the truth.
2 years ago by karlboll · 68 Likes · 4 comments · Fresh
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· 2 years ago
don’t teach hate, absolutely, but don’t… don’t do this. maybe be the adult and use this as a teachable moment instead of causing unneeded turmoil.
· 2 years ago
What would be the better way to teach a child that their rligion is just their parents hate? I'm really not sure how you can put that nicely
· 2 years ago
speaking as a Catholic? bring up the New Testament teachings of Jesus’ acceptance of others, the woman at the well, His dining with sinners and tax collectors, and the parable of the Good Samaritan, and say that a stance of bigotry and hatred is against His teachings because he preached love for your fellow man and acceptance. then bringing up the very few instances where homosexuality is mentioned and bring up how the passages listed alongside it also A) are in the Old Testament, which is the launching point but not the whole of Church teachings, and B) suggest we stone our neighbors for working on Sunday, wearing mixed fabrics, and eating shellfish, which we obviously we don’t do anymore, so the section is more or less a write off and reference point. the mention of homosexuality is also a description of how to and not to treat your slaves, and again, we don’t enslave people anymore, sooo….
· 2 years ago
BUT the kid is 7. so. probably best to say “the Bible teaches that Jesus loves us all, sinners and saints alike. Jesus loves you and me, and your mom and dad, even the bullies in school and the people who are not nice to us. so if Jesus loves all these people, good and bad, perfect and imperfect, then i think Jesus loves gay people too. wouldn’t He?” and send him off with a “God bless you”
Edited 2 years ago