Oil is not in fact made from decomposed dinosaurs. Some amount- a number so small that it would be too long to write here as a percent- may contain some elements of dinosaur, but “crude oil” is mostly plant matter like algae and small organisms such as bacteria or plankton like creatures and such. There are almost certainly somewhere in all of earths history some other organisms who's biomass was turned into petroleum below the earth- and it would not be impossible for at the very least one dinosaur to be among them.
So YOUR plastic Dino could be made from real dino but most probably aren’t and likely contain no dino. Of course- water and various chemicals used in making a plastic Dino could have come from real dinos too- the water in your plastic dino could have once been in the flesh or blood of a dinosaur or even been it’s pee. So don’t let this stop you from thinking YOUR plastic dino is made from real dino, just know that the term “fossil fuel” is a misnomer and generally most..
So YOUR plastic Dino could be made from real dino but most probably aren’t and likely contain no dino. Of course- water and various chemicals used in making a plastic Dino could have come from real dinos too- the water in your plastic dino could have once been in the flesh or blood of a dinosaur or even been it’s pee. So don’t let this stop you from thinking YOUR plastic dino is made from real dino, just know that the term “fossil fuel” is a misnomer and generally most..