1. Out of the way first. I’m going to ignore the age thing. I don’t know the OP’s age and the subject is complex. I do not personally endorse relations between any persons of such young age.
2. If anyone is curious “pardinhas” can refer to a person of a specific region or is a slang term for girls of a lighter brown complexion.
3. Depression isn’t just a first world problem and many people end up depressed or worsening depression specifically because they don’t think ahead. Self destructive behaviors and irresponsible pleasure seeking are in fact potential coping mechanisms for depression. A person suffering from depression isn’t necessarily some “emo” shut in- many times when people commit suicide from depression others will feel guilt or shock because that person always seemed so “happy” or “lively” and they didn’t see any signs of warning.
People with depression sometimes mask that depression around others to not “cause worry” etc, but people with depression also can be quite extroverted and active. They may seek companionship or thrills or anything to keep them occupied or try to feel “good.” Drugs and alcohol are long time known companions of depression- often compounding it but also often being the thing a depressed person turns to in order to help them numb the pain or tune it out.” Since self destructive behavior and low self esteem or worth can be linked to depression- drugs tend to make people feel good or numb for a moment and without self worth or care the negative effects aren’t really a barrier. Sex tends to make people feel good for a moment, and low self worth and care remove a barrier to risky sexual activity. Of course drugs and sex tend to go together like wine and cheese too- so we have an obvious feedback loop here where our pillars feed into and off each other and a cycle of behavior leads to negative
consequences or after the behave the return of negative emotions and/or added feelings of shame or consequence then drive a person back to seek to “feel good” or “numb” again. The sort of take always there are that partying and having sex aren't proof you have depression or proof you don’t. There is a nuanced and hard to define point between doing something because we actually enjoy it and doing something either as a coping mechanism because we enjoy how it makes us at least temporarily feel free of our unresolved issues; or because we simply are suffering more when that thing isn’t there. The idea that depression is a “rich” problem or “first world” is foolish. It’s more the case that many people aren’t in positions where they can afford to have such issues treated or other factors act as barriers to treatment and so coping mechanisms, often unhealthy ones, are substituted for an understanding of the underlying motives behind actions.
2. If anyone is curious “pardinhas” can refer to a person of a specific region or is a slang term for girls of a lighter brown complexion.
3. Depression isn’t just a first world problem and many people end up depressed or worsening depression specifically because they don’t think ahead. Self destructive behaviors and irresponsible pleasure seeking are in fact potential coping mechanisms for depression. A person suffering from depression isn’t necessarily some “emo” shut in- many times when people commit suicide from depression others will feel guilt or shock because that person always seemed so “happy” or “lively” and they didn’t see any signs of warning.